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Special Pro

Xenforo Special Pro 2.2.13

Special Pro.jpg

Live Your Dreams – Create Your Happiness
Special is intuitive with unique features and countless customizations, you can build a community that matches your dream.

Users who say page speed is important to me may prefer different structures, while users who are design lovers will enjoy the unique features you offer them.

If they do not like the design they have created, it is possible to revert it with one click.

One of the fascinating points of the design is that it was created in accordance with the original structure of XenForo in all sections.

It does not contain extra-large javascript constructs and external templates that need them. It is compatible with all official and popular 3rd party add-ons released so far.

We are sure that it will attract everyone's attention with its elegant structure and manageable options.

We thought that all sections of a good design should be completely user-based and manageable.
Thus, by taking a single design, you will obtain a structure that will meet the requests on the basis of multiple layouts and users.

A pleasant journey awaits you with this style.

Are you looking for the perfect style to build a community?

Besides design, speed and endless customizability, there are many reasons to consider Special. Let's take a look!
Control the design of your posts & pages with amazing options in the customizer. Manage width, content and even layout.

As you can see, if you choose Special, you get access to a huge and growing selection of useful features to help you ensure that your content not only looks great but helps you achieve your community goals.

We would like to remind you that you can manage all the features of this design on a user group basis.
You can adjust the design as you want it to show for your visitors in general. We will pass them on to you in the advanced admin options.
  1. A Good Feature Set
    Does your chosen theme have all the features you need now and into the near future? Are you able to switch designs on a single page or throughout the site?
    Special is the clear and only solution to all these questions. Special style provides amazing option set to control the style.

  2. Solid Performance
    Too many themes contain bandwidth-hogging payloads, unoptimized images and futile widgets which make your site slow and costly to view on a mobile network connection. A responsive design does not necessarily equate to a responsive experience. But the Special style provides this control and management to users it is up to the user's decision to choose the faster or magic style.

  3. User-Friendly
    Eventually, you may not need to delve into the theme code to make tweaks which are not possible from the user interface. A premium theme should be well documented and permit changes without you having to wade through thousands of lines of uncommented, compressed HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP code!

  4. Guaranteed Compatibility
    XenForo updates rarely break your style but all themes and plug-ins require maintenance over time. Check the date of the last release change; this will reassure you the theme is current and compatible with the latest XenForo code base and browsers. You’ll then have fewer reasons to worry about…

    Note: Please make sure to have upper than XenForo 2.2.8+ to install the Special style.

  5. The Settings of the Style
    Where the style’s settings are located and how they are arranged are important especially if you are a novice in XenForo development.
    The settings help you make some adjustments to the theme, including simple customization. The best practice as far as settings go is to locate them in an easily accessible place.

    Some bad style designers locate the settings in different places. This makes it hard to master how to easily make changes to the theme.

  6. Is the Style SEO-friendly?
    Search engine optimization (SEO) determines how a website fares in search engines. Everybody knows search engines like Google determine how successful a website would become in the future.
    The Special style is compatible with all search engines.
Summary of Features
  • User friendly
  • Manageable by users
  • Dark and light style
  • Colour scheme palette
  • Multi-page layout (Header and navigation)
  • Notice block per nodes
  • Responsive design
  • Node layouts
  • Node images
  • Category images
  • User group permissions
  • Font selector
  • Post layouts
  • Post background images
  • Sidebar positions
  • Style property groups
  • Advanced footer options
  • Sticky and Normal Threads
  • Button hover effect
  • Navigation links hover effect
  • Font awesome navigation icons
  • Font-awesome visitor menu icons
  • Font-awesome sidebar icons
  • Font-awesome notable member page icons
  • Font-awesome account page sidenav icons
  • Remove Sub-navigation row
  • Show/Hide Breadcrumbs
  • Hide Forum Title in Index Page
  • Collapsible Categories
  • Sidebar Position
  • Sticky Sidebar
  • And more...
  • Version 2.2.13
  • Downloads 93
  • Views 1,038
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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