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Fantastic Pro

Xenforo Fantastic Pro 2.2.13a


Attract members with an elegant design, present your community and destinations in great detail, and have members enjoy the time.

Fantastic Pro is a professional theme that is a great choice for XenForo users. This theme includes both dark and light features and has an extremely functional and user-friendly design.

Fantastic Pro offers features such as quick touch areas and welcome messages for guest users. These features help users easily adapt to the site and quickly get used to it. Additionally, it provides users with a more functional experience with features such as a custom forum statistics structure and action buttons in node areas.

The theme has a dynamic structure where the style features of all areas can be easily controlled. This allows users to personalize theme settings according to their needs and preferences. Additionally, the theme provides an excellent display on all modern browsers and works seamlessly on mobile devices.

Fantastic Pro looks great on all types of forums and provides users with an excellent experience. With its user-friendly design, quick touch areas, custom forum statistics structure, and action buttons in node areas, this theme is designed to meet users' needs.

In conclusion, the Fantastic Pro theme for XenForo provides users with a professional, customizable, and functional forum experience. With its dark and light features that attract attention, and features such as quick touch areas, custom forum statistics structure, and action buttons in node areas, it can meet the needs of many users. It is easy to install and provides an excellent display on all types of forums.
  • Version 2.2.13a
  • Downloads 79
  • Views 907
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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