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Solid Security Pro (iThemes Security Pro)

Solid Security Pro (iThemes Security Pro) 8.5.3 NULLED

7.2.2 - 2022-10-11 - Timothy Jacobs, Lisa Canini, Jared Hill
  • Security: Add support for encrypting Two-Factor Mobile App secrets. Enable via Tools -> Set Encryption Key.
  • Security: Deprecate Automatic Proxy Detection. Instead, manually configure Proxy Detection or use Security Check. Fix IP spoofing attacks.
  • Enhancement: Add "Ban Lockout" button to the Active Lockouts card.
  • Tweak: Delete passkeys that have been in the "trash" for seven days.
  • Bug Fix: File Logs not rotating.
  • Bug Fix: MaxMind DB Lite not being automatically refreshed.
  • Bug Fix: PHP warning when loading Icon Fonts in certain configurations.
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7.2.1 - 2022-09-16 - Timothy Jacobs, Lisa Canini, Jared Hill
Bug Fix: Fatal error when running on a site with an unprefixed version of Pimple or Psr/Container that was loaded before iThemes Security.
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