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Social Warfare Pro

Social Warfare Pro 4.5.5 NULLED

Warfare Plugins

Social Warfare Pro NULLED offers tons of great features to make your social sharing more powerful! Give your site the most robust social sharing features while keeping your page load times super fast.

This add-on opens up a new level of control, customization, and optimization for your WordPress-powered site.

Additional Sharing Options​

In addition to the six default sharing buttons that Social Warfare gives, Pro license holders get access to another 17 social network share buttons, such as:

  • Reddit
  • Blogger
  • WhatsApp
  • Telegram
  • Email
  • Pocket
  • Tumblr
  • Buffer
  • Hacker News
  • Print
  • Evernote
  • Flipboard
  • Parler
  • Mix
  • Hacker News
In addition to access to all these social networks and more, you can also reactivate, track and display Twitter tweet counts!

Pin All the Images​

Enabling the Image Hover Pin Button will place a “Pin” button over top of every image inside of your content when a reader hovers their mouse over it. This makes every image on your page highly sharable to Pinterest!

Powerful Share Customization​

Social Warfare is a pioneer in customizing how your content is shared. The Social Warfare – Pro add-on allows you to decide the image, title, and description that appears when your content is shared on sites like Facebook and any other networks that use Open Graph data for social shares.

On top of that, you can upload a custom Pinterest image and write a custom description so that when someone clicks the pin button, the same image you’ve chosen shows up with exactly the description you’ve written. No more relying on readers to choose a flattering image and write an optimal description for you!

You can even write a custom tweet for when someone clicks on the Twitter button. The exact tweet you wrote will be displayed in the Twitter share box and Social Warfare will automatically add the link to your content with your @username at the end of it.

These are the capabilities that professional social media marketers and bloggers have been waiting for. Unlock the potential to share your content your way with the Social Warfare – Pro plugin!

The Social Optimizer​

The Social Optimizer tool gives you a real-time “score” as you fill out your social media images, titles, and descriptions. It examines the size and aspect ratio of your images, the character count, word count, hashtag count of titles and descriptions, and more.

When people share your posts on social media, they will usually not take the time to optimize your images, titles, and description for you. You need to have those elements pre-optimized long before they visit your site.

With Social Warfare, you gain maximum control over how users share your content, which means your content is optimized for every share right at the source.

Custom Button Design and Placement​

Customize which sharing networks you display, how your buttons look, and where they appear.

You can choose from six different button shapes, eight different color themes, plus even more custom colors for your buttons. The design combinations are unlimited.

You will also get six different Click to Tweet styles and an option to create your own style via your theme’s CSS.

Minimum Social Proof​

If you prefer to only show counts after a certain number of shares have been met (to avoid “negative social proof”), you can do that. If you’d rather show no counts at all, just turn them off altogether. You choose when and how your share counts are made visible.

Share Recovery: Your Lost Share Counts Recovered!​

When you change your permalink structures, domain prefixes, connection protocols (http-https), simply change domains altogether, you’re likely to lose all of your social share counts.

Social Warfare contains a tool called Share Recovery which allows you to recover your lost share counts after modifying any of the site structures listed above.

Social Authorship, Twitter Cards, Rich Pins, and More!​

It’s nice to have your content shared on social media. It’s even nicer when you get mentioned in the social share! With Social Warfare, you can guarantee that your authorship is always in place, including:

  • Facebook author and publisher attribution
  • Facebook app link (advanced users)
  • Twitter publisher and author attribution
  • “via @username” added to the ends of tweets
  • “via @username” added to the ends of pin descriptions
  • You can also activate Twitter Cards (Large Image Cards) so that tweets sent from your site are always media rich and much more likely to get engagement.
This plugin also ensures that your site is Rich Pin ready so that your Pins look as good as possible.

Link Shortening, Analytics Campaign Tracking, and Button Click Tracking​

Shorten shared links automatically using your own Bitly credentials so you can track how many clicks are occurring on your links.

Additionally, if you’re a Google Analytics user, you can set up Analytics tracking so that each shared link contains a network’s specific UTM tracking code. This way, you can track all inbound links that come as a direct result of Social Warfare shares.

You can also activate Event Tracking to see in Google Analytics how many times your buttons are being clicked.
  • Version 4.5.5 NULLED
  • Downloads 4
  • Views 87
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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