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Social Stream Designer.png

Social Stream Designer WordPress Plugin NULLED

Are you looking for a solution that helps you showcase feeds from social networks right on your website?

WP Social Stream Designer plugin is Perfect for this. Plugin is used to get social media content from various platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, RSS and many more to give you beautiful responsive wall on your WordPress website. You can combine all of your social network feeds into a single network stream or display one social network feeds with different designs and layouts.

Plugin will not collect any data from your site visitors. So it is GDPR compatible.

Supported social feed types

Plugin supports 14 social streams. There are 30+ different feed types in total. Here are all list in detail.
  • 1. Twitter: home timeline, user feed, search feeds by * (any keywrod) including hashtags, user lists, likes
  • 2. Facebook: posts of page, posts from album, all albums with its posts, posts of event, posts of group
  • 3. Youtube: user feed, channel, playlist and search
  • 4. Vimeo: public videos of user, channel, album, group, liked videos of user
  • 5. Flickr: photos by tag, public photos of user
  • 6. Instagram: public photos by username and hashtag
  • 7. Pinterest: latest pins and public boards
  • 8. Tumblr: photos
  • 9. Dribbble: public posts of user
  • 10. Foursquare: location photos, location tips
  • 11. Soundcloud: public playlist
  • 12. Rss: RSS feeds by xml channel url
  • 13. Wordpress: blog posts, custom post types, comments, posts of specific categories, comments of specific post
  • 14. Tiktok:Username and Hashtag
  • Like
Reactions: abuji
  • Version 1.1.6 NULLED
  • Downloads 69
  • Views 823
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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