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Smarty - School Kindergarten WordPress theme

Smarty - School Kindergarten WordPress theme 3.5.6 NULLED


Smarty NULLED Theme is integrated now with the MasterStudy LMS plugin. With the broadened functionality of the learning management system, you can build modern, complete e-learning platforms.

Masterstudy LMS plugin will let you support your digital education products with additional features and the ability to build online courses. Easy implementation, the convenience of usage, and the variety of efficient features are the key benefits of LMS plugin that will add more value to Smarty powered websites.

The clean design and user-friendly interface make it easy for the user to view the courses as well as details such as the cost, the duration, the level, and specifics about the type of materials included.

Smarty School WordPress theme has been specially designed with your learning community in mind. Perfect as a kindergarten, school, college, alumni or university WordPress theme, this contemporary and intuitive platform works for teachers, staff, parents and students at every level, engaging all parties in the life of your school or learning environment. Download today The Best School WordPress theme!

Integration with LMS plugin will be beneficial in many ways. Due to the many features it has, teachers and students will be able to create an educational environment of full value.

With drag and drop tools and custom page templates, this outstanding School WordPress theme makes it easy for you to build and present your school or college website to the highest standard, keeping it relevant, informative, inspiring, and tailored to your needs. Most importantly, with the extensive features of Smarty School WordPress theme, you can be sure that your online presence reflects the energy and diversity of your learning community.

Smarty School WordPress theme gives pupils and parents immediate access to timetables, school notices, and upcoming events while teaching staff can set up their own profiles and attribute classes, assignments and learning programs. With seamless media integration, you can easily upload videos, podcasts, photo albums, and social media feeds to engage with your learning community and share all the things that have been going on within your vibrant educational environment.

Your complete school, college or kindergarten WordPress theme allows you to publicize upcoming events, and take payments or donations via PayPal. You can even add a dynamic countdown timer to build anticipation and encourage last-minute donations or sign ups! With WooCommerce integration, parents or students can also buy school supplies or uniform online, hassle-free! Get today Popular School WordPress theme!

Smarty School WordPress theme is a comprehensive and flexible platform, bringing staff, parents, and students together, and is the ideal WordPress theme for kids. From kindergarten to university, this education WordPress theme is your ultimate tool for organization, communication, and engagement within your learning center. Try The Best School WordPress theme!
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3.5.6 NULLEDVersion
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  1. Smarty WordPress theme 3.5.6 NULLED

    ## 3.5.6 - **Update:** Plugin WPBakery updated to 7.9. - **Update:** Slider Revolution updated...
  2. Smarty v3.5.0 NULLED - School Kindergarten WordPress theme

    3.5.0 March 16, 2023 Fixed: The demo import did not complete with PHP 8 and above.

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