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Slider Revolution - Most Popular WordPress Slider Plugin

Slider Revolution - Most Popular WordPress Slider Plugin 6.7.31 NULLED

Version 6.7.31 (20th March 2025)​

Bug Fixes
  • Full screen modules with container offset were not fitting the full height.
  • Navigation arrows were missing when the module was opened as modal.

Version 6.7.30 (14th February 2025)​

Bug Fixes
  • Added webp files to HTML export.
  • The Vimeo video poster was showing in cover mode while video was resized to fit the width.
  • Auto justified Carousel module layout was broken in case of no background image set.
  • Slide admin thumbnails in webp format were not shown on the Overview page.
  • Video layers were losing their rounded corners when animating.
  • No Interaction option had no effect on the video layer.
  • Zoom in on Mobile shift the Content horizontally, and Dimensions are broken
  • The Vimeo video layer was resetting back to mute when trying to unmute it.
  • The Vimeo video mute at start option was not working.
  • Trying to initialize the already initialized module was causing all global layers to disappear.
  • Full height modules were resized incorrectly after rotation of the mobile device.
  • Module was failing to initialize when there was another DOM element with the same ID.
  • Module was always falling back to image disregarding fallback options if alternative image was specified.
  • Carousel slides were dispositioned and in some odd cases not started on quick changes

Version 6.7.29 (19th February 2025)​

Bug Fixes
  • A vertically rotated layer was cropped when the Z-transform origin was set.
  • The "Mute at Start" option state was not saving for the YouTube Video layer.
  • The YouTube Video Volume option had no effect on the player.
  • Enabling word animation only on the "In" frame caused a JavaScript error.
  • The modal module was reopening at the previous scroll position.
  • Fixed a plugin text domain loading issue in WordPress version 6.7.
  • Animating to an undefined opacity value triggered a JavaScript warning when switching pages.
  • Global video layers were not auto-playing.
  • Elements were not resizing correctly on smaller device sizes when the carousel was set to Justify.
  • Dimension of Carousel Slides were not updated after Slide swap, clipping some of the content in some odd cases.

Version 6.7.28 (31st January 2025)​

Bug Fixes
  • Reflow of relatively positioned elements caused the page to scroll to the top in certain cases.
  • Some modules had a higher start time for Layer animation "in" on Frame 0 than on Frame 1, which broke the new re-rendering engine.
  • Module was not initialized in WPBakery Frontend Builder after reloading.
  • Color and visibility settings were not updated on resize (from mobile size to desktop).
  • Vimeo background video was misaligned on the Divi theme.
  • Migration got stuck on modules with a large number of slides on servers with a low maximum number of database connections.

Version 6.7.27 (25th January 2025)​

  • The calculations for responsive font size, as well as position and dimensions, are inaccurate on smaller devices when set to “intelligent inheritance.”

Version 6.7.26 (25th January 2025)​

  • Premium labels were rendered incorrectly when selecting the module in Elementor
  • An error occurred during migration when trying to access the whiteSpace property of an undefined idle
  • Migration stopped after encountering the first issue
  • Modules failed to render if one of the SVG layer sources was blocked by CORS
  • The image optimization function removed a slide from the module in some cases when saving
  • Closing the overview page while the V7 migration was running could result in missing slides in V7 sliders
  • WPML hero sliders had issues loading properly in the V7 engine
  • Layer actions did not trigger after scroll-based animation
  • Layer loop animation did not play when the layer was triggered by an action
  • New options introduced to set scroll timeline-based module alignment if the module height is smaller than the browser window. This works only for SR7, with fallback to SR6 top alignment
  • Template slide using feed in mixed SR6 and SR7 DB mode may not initialising content due to wrong id references
  • SR7 post/stream layer that have shortcodes do not properly execute the shortcodes
  • Media keeps playing when the module gets frozen on blur
  • Filtering by popular posts does not properly show existing sorting methods and selected categories
  • Filtering by popular posts does not properly respect selected max posts
  • Mask within Loop with 100% dimensions become invisible due a styling issue

Version 6.7.25 (19th December 2024)​

  • Converting image dimensions break the editor with an JavaScript failure

Version 6.7.23 (20th November 2024)​

  • Potential issue with Parallax Modules caused by a logical error in the latest release (6.7.22)
  • Parallax background stays unaligned in Carousel on slides if on page load module is offseted

Version 6.7.21 (5th November 2024)​

New Features
  • Introducing new Layer processing and preparing object structure for SR7 Backend
  • Panorama module displays blurry images on iOS X. AddOn version 6.7.4 requires core version 6.7.21 to resolve this.
  • Vertical carousel reverts to the original position when dragged over a long distance with an extended timer.
  • Carousel gets stuck in drag mode when dragged after clicking on a slide element.
  • Translations updated for the upcoming WordPress release to prevent a deprecation notice.
  • Images with foreign characters in the URL do not load when added to the homepage.
  • Slide direction-based animations do not work for rotations on x, y, and z axes.
  • WooCommerce "Add to Cart" meta URL was generated incorrectly.
  • Carousel slider does not function when opened as a modal.
  • Hover action on mobile fails when releasing outside the target element.
  • "Open Slider Modal" action breaks when linked to a non-existent slide.
  • Auto width and height calculations are incorrect for shapes with image backgrounds when image proportion is disabled and the ratio does not match the media ratio.
  • Cookie Usage Consent plugin breaks the slider by blocking code that links to Google Fonts.
  • Videos in the slider are mistakenly added to the SEO images list.
  • 3D Parallax effect continues animating the background element even when background animation is disabled.
  • Removing all slides from navigation causes a JavaScript error when bullets are enabled.
  • Carousel set to "Justify" without slide background media creates an endless resize loop that breaks the module.
  • Slide order may be incorrect if the module layout is changed to "Scene."
  • Fullscreen Modules dont resize accurate any more. Layers are distorted.
  • Layers on scroll based timelines and on fixed menu modules are sometimes not clickable after initialisation
  • Slide direction based Out animated layers, which are not waiting on Slide end, reanimates on leaving the slide