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Shop Defender (Malware Removal + Firewall)

PrestaShop Shop Defender (Malware Removal + Firewall) 1.8.3


Security solution for your online shop. Scan and eliminate vulnerabilities such as PHPUnit, XsamXadoo and malware with automated tasks. Add a firewall to your forms to prevent spam with Honeypot and Google reCAPTCHA.
Security module for your online shop.

It removes PHPUnit and XsamXadoo vulnerabilities and other malware from your shop.

The module checks all folders and files in your online shop and detects PHPUnit and XsamXadoo files and folders and if configured, removes them completely from your shop with a single mouse click.You don’t need to access via FTP to find the files and folders affected by these vulnerabilities, the module does it automatically for you.

These vulnerabilities are considered serious. If these vulnerabilities aren’t tested and removed, hackers will be able to access your server and view and/or delete data from your shop. An unpatched eCommerce can allow a hacker to have full control of your shop, including file write access and database access.

The module checks all files in your shop, searching for modified files. It also checks for folders or files with write permissions modified by malware and allows you to rebuild them.

In addition to keeping your shop's code files protected, it also includes a powerful firewall for your online shop's standard forms, preventing any bot from spamming you through them. It wouldn’t be the first time that a shop can’t sell because of spam attacks on its forms, leaving the shop blocked by sending emails that leave the shop's email unusable.

You have two different options you can configure, the famous Google reCAPTCHA and the Honeypot security system. With Honeypot you’ll have extra security in the forms without the need to add a captcha. But if you want to have extra security, you can set both systems to work at the same time, which will make it very difficult for a bot to send spam in your forms. And with the use of reCAPTCHA v3, it won't be a hassle for your customers.
  • Version 1.8.3
  • Downloads 59
  • Views 744
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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