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Product, Shop Reviews, Loyalty Program, Google Snippets

PrestaShop Product, Shop Reviews, Loyalty Program, Google Snippets 2.0.2


Module include Product Reviews, Store Reviews, Loyalty Program, User profile and Google Rich Snippets.

Increase conversion, traffic, visibility in the Google search results: Highly flexible module Product, Shop Reviews, Reminder, Profile, Rich Snippets. Also, it's not all, module include Google Product Review Feeds for Google Shopping. Read below about all available functions

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Compliant with PrestaShop’s Official GDPR Compliance Module


- Enable/Disable Product Reviews, Store Reviews, User profile functional
- Admin can import/export product or store reviews in your shop!
- Caching for Hooks with module content (Improve speed of your site)
- 66 display effects for Product Reviews, Store Reviews, User profile (WOW script effects)
- OWL carousels for blocks "Store Reviews", "Last Product Reviews", "Users"


- Product Reviews and Ratings
- Created Admin Tabs in BackOffice ( Moderate Product Reviews )
- Criterions for ratings (unlimited). You can create criterions in back office
- Helpful review functional
- Report abuse functional
- Style stars (Yellow, Green, Blue colors)
- Facebook like Button for each review ( when customer share your review on Facebook he get voucher for discount )
- Enable / Disable reviews Admin Approval
- Suggest to user change the review ( You can ask the user to change the review with a higher rating, if he write a bad product review with bad ratings )
- Ability to manually ADD / EDIT any review in back office (you can also change rating for each review)
- Last Reviews Block you can place and customize on the 6 pages (home page, for each category page, for each manufacturer/brand page, for each product page, for other pages, for CUSTOM HOOK pages ) in the 5 positions (Home, Top, Left Column, Right Column, Footer)
- You can show block last reviews on a single page (CMS or blog for example) - just using CUSTOM HOOK
- Detailed reviews with review criteria included on the product page
- Ability to display the star ratings in product lists (categories, brands, search results and etc...)
- Avatar for the user in add review form
- Files in add review form
- User can add more than one review
- Statistics for Reminder (for Product Reviews)
- Captcha only for non-registered customers
- Verified Purchase (verified reviews) option
- Minimum chars the user must write in the Text field for add review
- Filter by ratings on the frontend (product page, all reviews page, user page)
- Product images for All Reviews page
- Export / Import Product Reviews
- Enable/disable block "Last Product Reviews Block" for Mobile and Desktop
- Enable/disable All product reviews page
- Enable/disable "Search field", "Sort by", "Filter by" for Product reviews
- configure "Date Format" for Product reviews
- Google reCaptcha or Own captcha of the module
- Enable/Disable "Verified purchase" for product reviews
- User can sort by: "Rating: Lowest first", "Rating: Highest first", "Date: Oldest first", "Date: Newest first", "Reviews has images: Not has images first", "Reviews has images: Has images first", "Verified purchase: Customer not bought product first", "Verified purchase: Customer bought product first" for product reviews on the frontend


- Created Admin Tabs in BackOffice ( Moderate Store Reviews )
- Possibility on the frontend filter reviews by rating
- Possibility on the frontend search review
- Add option Verified review (show when customer already something bought in shop)
- Google Rich Snippets for Store Reviews
- Upload Avatar
- admin can change Store Reviews block background color and title color on the any color use color picker
- Admin can send response on the Store Review to the user
- Admin can edit the Store Review
- Admin can delete the Store Review
- Admin can set status the Store Review
- Support Google reCaptcha or Own captcha of the module (for non-registered users)
- Add Who can add store review? - (Only registered users; Only users who already something bought in shop; All users)
- Possibility upload images for Shop Reviews
- Criterions for ratings (unlimited). You can create criterions in back office
- "Require Admin Approval" function for Store Reviews
- Enable/Disable "Verified purchase" for store reviews
  • Like
Reactions: lizg0 and abuji
  • Version 2.0.2
  • Downloads 56
  • Views 686
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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