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sh404SEF | SEO, analytics and security​

sh404SEF® makes sure your Joomla! site follows recommended search engines optimization guidelines. From duplicate content management to analytics, and including social networks connector, a really useful 404 error page and more, we handle the tedious work automatically, and provide tools so that you can do the rest!

* sh404SEF rewrites Joomla URL to user-friendly format (SEF URL or URL rewriting): mysite.com/index.php?option=com_content&Itemid=69&id=34
becomes mysite.com/en/sh404SEF-and-url-rewriting/list-of-available-plugins.html but it does in a way that prevent Joomla standard SEF duplicate content issues.
  • Important: from version 4.17, we automatically add robots meta tag required for full visibility in Google search results.
  • NEW: Support for Google Analytics version 4
  • NEW: Full Turkish translation
  • NEW: insert a QRCode anywhere, on any page
  • NEW: Redesigned Google Analytics reports, can now also display on frontend without having to log-in
  • NEW: block requests based on simple rules
  • NEW: Redirect mutiple URLs together, no more using .htaccess
  • NEW: Add canonical tags to mutiple URLs in one go
  • NEW: URL shortener can now shorten any URL, not just of current site
  • NEW: extended Structured data support: social profiles, corporate contacts, logos
  • Connector with wbAMP, our Accelerated Mobile Pages for Joomla plugin
  • Automatic redirect of 404s errors to most similar page
  • Google Sitename, Google breadcrumb and Google sitelinks search JSON+LD markup
  • Using oAuth2 for Analytics authorization
  • Twitter Cards support
  • Google Analytics Universal support
  • Google Tags manager support
  • all output through JLayout, easily override in template
  • Create and insert Open Graph data: quickly and easily add social media buttons to your entire site to allow sharing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin and Pinterest.
  • Integrated Google Analytics reports display
  • Automatically generate tiny URLs (shURLs) for your content
  • Full urls and bulk meta data management
  • Multi-lingual support
  • Easily redirect 404s to suggested SEF URLS
  • Instantly add global support for canonical URLs (add rel="canonical" HTTP headers)
  • Removes automatically duplicate URLs, a common problem with Joomla websites
  • Create human ear and search engine friendly (SEF) URLs
  • Control URL re-write mode on a per-application basis
  • Support for Google News URL format
  • Easily customize the page title and page description with bulk updater
  • Create customized error pages (i.e. 404) with relevant links, suggest best match pages
  • Harden against cross-site scripting attacks (XSS)
  • Harden against malicious page requests
  • Limit flooding attacks
  • Protect input forms such as the contact page from spam (using Project Honey Pot)
  • Control site access from suspicious domains (using IP address whitelisting and blacklisting)
We Support many third-party SEF plugins via the standard Joomla installer.
Components we support natively include: VirtueMart, K2, FlexiContent, Kunena, Jomsocial, Community Builder and more.
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  1. sh404SEF v4.24.7

    2023-07-26 - Version 4.24.7 chg Added discontinuation reminder panel in admin with link to more...
  2. sh404SEF v4.24.6.4348

    2022-11-17 Version 4.24.6 bugUndefined constant fatal error on PHP 8 under some circumstances...