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SecurImages Captcha Plugin

SecurImages Captcha Plugin 4.3.4

Ideal Extensions
SecurImages Captcha Plugin.png

This Captcha plugin works with any Joomla extension capable of using the Joomla core captcha plugin system. It uses the Securimage PHP CAPTCHA1 script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes (including math problems) to protect forms from spam and abuse. It can be easily added into existing forms on your Joomla website to provide protection from spam bots. It can run on almost all web servers as long as you have PHP installed, and GD support within PHP. SecurImage does everything from generating the CAPTCHA images to validating the typed code. Audible codes can be streamed to the browser with Flash for the vision impaired.

It's compliant with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The plugin does not store any user information and it doesn't use cookies.


  • Works with Joomla Registration and any other extensions that are compatible with the Joomla captcha plugin system;
  • Works with Contact Enhanced and Ajax Contact as well;
  • Customizable code length, character sets, and Unicode support;
  • TTF font support. You can choose the font you want to use;
  • Very easy to customize colors;
  • Easily add background images;
  • Easily add signature to images;
  • Several security features such as image distortion, random lines, and noise;
  • Flash button to stream audible codes in WAV format;
  • Ability to use a word list; Add a word list in your language to /plugins/captcha/securimage/lib/words/
  • Display alphanumeric captchas, or simple math problems;
  • Highly customizable!
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221 and zafro
  • Version 4.3.4
  • Downloads 41
  • Views 544
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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