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SearchWP 4.3.18 NULLED


SearchWP NULLED is a WordPress search plugin from SearchWP developers that helps your site content to be find. It support E-commerce Product Details, PDF & Document Content, Custom Field Content, Shortcode Output, Taxonomy Terms, Post Title & Content. Here is a list of main features:

Download SearchWP Addons:

PDF and Office Document Indexing. Index the content of PDF, Office, and text documents in your WordPress Media library.

Automatic Integration, No Coding! SearchWP's default engine uses your existing WordPress native search forms and results template.

Multiple Search Engines. Create individual search engines, each with their own settings to meet your needs.

Keyword Stemming. Show better results by using keyword stems instead of exact term matches.

Search Everything. Search your product details, Custom Fields content, Shortcode output, and more!

Exclude or Attribute Results. Easily exclude content from search results, or attribute findings to more appropriate results.

Search Statistics and Insights. Log searches to find out what your visitors are searching for and (not?) finding.

Easy Algorithm Customization. Easily customize how results are ranked using SearchWP's intuitive interface and weighting system.

WooCommerce Integration. Stop losing money when your customers can't search by your product details!

bbPress Integration. Improve the usefulness of your forums by implementing a powerful, relevant search.

WP Job Manager Integration. Allow visitors to search for Listing metadata, which is otherwise ignored by WordPress.

Easy Digital Downloads Integration. Make sure your customers are finding your products easily and effectively.

Advanced Custom Fields Support. Stop ignoring content stored in Advanced Custom Fields when searching your site.

Suggest a Feature. Did something get left out? Please feel free to inquire about additional features.
4.3.18 NULLEDVersion
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Latest updates

  1. SearchWP 4.3.18 NULLED

    4.3.18 [New] Quoted/phrase searches are now supported on multisite searches. [New] Added...
  2. SearchWP 4.3.17 NULLED

    4.3.17 [New] Added SearchWP Source - WPForms to Extensions page. [Improvement] Forms Author...
  3. Changelog SearchWP 4.3.16 NULLED

    4.3.16 [New] Weekly Email Summaries. [New] Added option to set pagination labels for SearchWP...