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Same price (products and shipping) after VAT applied

PrestaShop Same price (products and shipping) after VAT applied 1.1.2


The module allows displaying same product prices and/or shipping costs despite the VAT rate applied. The base price is recalculated, so you can display the same final price (products and/or shipping costs) from specific country/zone price.

Always display the same price, even if there is a different VAT rate
No matter your customer's country. No matter if he's from Spain, France, Italy, or the United States. Doesn't matter the applicable VAT rate in each country.

The price of the product is calculated automatically
The price will not change depending on the customer's shipping address. The module recalculates the base price (price without taxes) automatically to match the VAT rate with the final price.

Desired product price: €100

Customer from France - 20% VAT
Base price: €83.33 + 20% = €100

Customer from Spain - 21% VAT
Base price: €82.64 + 21% = €100

Customer from Italy - 22% VAT
Base price: €81.96 + 22% = €100

Customer from Germany - 19% VAT
Base price: €84.03 + 19% = €100

Customer from Sweden - 25% VAT
Base price: €80 + 25% = €100

You only need to set the final price: €100. The module calculates the base price automatically for each customer.

Now also applies to shipping costs
For shipping costs, the same criteria is applied but it’s taken into account if the carrier exists for the country that you want to apply the same final price, in case the carrier doesn’t exist for that country, the original price of the carrier will be applied.


Carrier X in France = €10
Carrier X in Spain = €14
Carrier X in Italy = €15
Carrier X in Sweden does not exist (doesn’t ship to Sweden)

Carrier Y ships to Sweden = €20 (doesn’t ship to France)

We activate in the module the option to apply the same final price to the shipping costs and the country configured to obtain the final price is France. The results would be:

Shipping costs to France = €10
Shipping costs to Spain = €10
Shipping costs to Italy = €10

Shipping costs to Sweden = €20 (unchanged because the French carrier doesn’t exist for Sweden).

Have a commercial price for all your countries
You can define a commercial price for your default country, but it gets ugly when you apply a different VAT rate.
For example, if you have a product price of €99.95 in France (20% VAT rate), it gets ugly when you display it in Spain (21% VAT rate): €100.78.
With this module it will be displayed the same price for all your countries, independently of the VAT rate applied: €99.95

Display the same price in all the purchasing process and improve abandonment cart rate
If your customer gets connected from a different country than the default country, or if he sets a different delivery address than the default country, a different VAT rate will be applied.
Probably he saw a product price different from the product price displayed in the checkout once logged.
It can cause him distrust, and he could abandon the cart.
For sure, he will not think that it's because of VAT rate, but probably a scam or bad practice.
With this module, the customer will see the same product price in all the purchasing process.

Your store is located in France and you are applying a 20% VAT rate.
When a customer from Spain visits your store, he will see products with 20% VAT rate.
When he logs in on the checkout, 21% VAT rate from Spain will be applied and products will be more expensive.
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Reactions: tikva and abuji
  • Version 1.1.2
  • Downloads 25
  • Views 769
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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