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s2Member Pro

s2Member Pro 250214


  • (Pro) Enhancement: Improved coupon usage logging for better tracking.
  • (Pro) Enhancement: Added a new single-use per user option for coupons. Thanks to Carl Borsani for sponsoring this.
  • (Pro) Enhancement: Coupons can now be limited to specific pro-forms. Thanks to Carl Borsani for sponsoring this.
  • (Framework) Fix: s2Get can now handle s2Member’s custom profile fields. Thanks to Gerard Earley for reporting this.
  • (Framework) Fix: Updated the admin notice about the PayPal button encryption setting.
  • (Pro) Enhancement: Improved data handling in the Remote Operations API. Props to István.
  • (Pro) Enhancement: Improved validation of the template attribute in pro-forms and s2Member-List shortcodes. Props to István.
= v241114 =
- (Framework & Pro) **Fix**: An error could happen on PHP8 during Pro activation. Fixed in this release.
- (Framework) **Enhancement**: s2Get shortcode can now be used to show s2's current user constants. E.g. `[s2Get constant="S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_DISPLAY_NAME" /]` _WP Admin > s2Member > API / Scripting > s2Member PHP/API Constants_
= v240218 =
(Maintenance Release) Upgrade immediately.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= v230808 =
- (Framework) **Fix**: Potential security issue under rare circumstances. Fixed in this release.
- (Framework) **Fix**: Mailchimp's groups/interests were not transitioning correctly with the updated integration. Fixed in this release.
- (Framework) **UI**: Added a notice about PayPal giving trouble with encrypted buttons recently, recommending to not encrypt them for now. You may need to disable button encryption, and allow non-encrypted payments. _s2Member > PayPal Options > Account Details > Button Encryption_
- (Framework) **UI**: Brought back the "Expand All" and "Collapse All" buttons for the admin panels. See [thread 10796](https://f.wpsharks.com/t/10796)
- (Framework) **UI**: Updated the link to the PayPal IPN configuration.
- (Framework) **UI**: Added link to PayPal's IPN History page. _s2Member > PayPal Options > PayPal IPN > More Information_
- (Pro) **Fix**: Stripe's billing update pro-form gave an error sometimes. Fixed in this release. See [thread 10752](https://f.wpsharks.com/t/10752)
= v230530 =
- (Framework) **Enhancement**: Updated the Mailchimp integration to v3 of their API. I made it so you shouldn't need to change anything, it should work with your existing configuration. Still worth doing a test or checking that things are normal after the update, and report any issues you notice. See: [thread 10666](https://f.wpsharks.com/t/10666)
Download s2Member Pro v221028
= v221028 =

- (Framework) **Fix**: Initialized some array keys to prevent PHP warnings in PayPal notify and return files. Thanks Greg Mulhauser for your help.
- (Framework) **UI**: Widened the Logs viewer. Thanks Sim. See [thread 10064](https://f.wpsharks.com/t/10064)
- (Framework) **UI**: Framework auto-update is now allowed when Pro add-on installed.
- (Pro) **UI**: The Pro updater now shows when a newer version available, not just when required.
= v220925 =

- (Pro) **UI Enhancement**: In ClickBank Options admin page, added note about keeping IPN encryption disabled.

- (Pro) **Enhancement**: Removed ClickBank's name from the notify, return, and success URLs, replaced with just `cb`. Kudos to Eduardo for telling me about this. See [thread 9910](https://f.wpsharks.com/t/9910)

- (Pro) **Enhancement**: Added a PayPal payment request ID to help prevent random/rare PayPal duplicate charges. Kudos to Nathan for his help. See [thread 7999](https://f.wpsharks.com/t/7999/27)

- (Framework) **UI Enhancement**: Admin page panels widened for larger displays.

- (Framework) **UI Enhancement**: Simplified Getting Started and Getting Help admin pages.

- (Framework) **UI Enhancement**: In PayPal Options admin page, updated paths and links to PayPal settings.

- (Framework) **Bug Fix**: Removed the Security Badge's link to the old Flash powered page on s2Member's site.

- (Pro) **UI Enhancement**: Small improvements to the Pro upgrader.