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Ronneby - High-Performance WordPress Theme

Ronneby - High-Performance WordPress Theme 3.5.61 NULLED

----------26-07-2024 V 3.5.61-------------------
1. Slider Revolution plugin updated v.6.7.15
2. WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated v.7.8
3. WooCommerce templates updated v.9.1.2
4. Pricing list shortcode bug fixed
5. Modal box shortcode bug fixed
6. Updated the Ronneby Core plugin to version 1.5.61
----------04-11-2022 V 3.4.7-------------------
1. WPBackery plugin compatibility fix
2. Button widget Elementor bug fixed
3. Fact widget Elementor bug fixed
4. Ronneby Core plugin updated v.1.4.7
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Reactions: tatar221
----------11-10-2022 V 3.4.5-------------------
1. DFD Carousel Elementor widgets bug fixed
2. Countdown widget added for Elementor
3. Pie chart widget added for Elementor
4. Team member carousel widget added for Elementor
5. Price list widget added for Elementor
6. Info box Elementor widgets bug fixed
7. Add custom class in dfd parallax section for Elementor
8. New "Abadon Business Tool Elementor" layout added. https://rnbtheme.com/elementor-seventy-first/
9. Removed Russian translation
10. Ronneby Core plugin updated v.1.4.5
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Reactions: tatar221