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= 7.5.7 =
* Enhancement: Managed widget title UI with link title and updated forum statistics widget UI.
* Enhancement: Managed video visibility for LearnDash and Tutor LMS.
* Enhancement: Updated and added Reign icons, updated dark mode switch icons, and font awesome version.
* Enhancement: Managed purchase button in the EDD download details widget.
* Fix: Removed extra spacing in activity listing when logged out.
* Fix: Managed sticky sidebar issue when the admin bar is hidden.
* Fix: Managed share count display and share popup handling with BuddyPress share icon.
* Fix: Addressed instructor layout issues and fixed the single 404 page.
* Fix: Managed bp attachments button UI with shortcode for BuddyPress Pro.
* Fix: Fixed location field issues and bulk delete functionality.
* Enhancement: Improved overall Global Versioning, script, and styles enqueue functionalities for better performance and efficiency.
* Enhancement: Removed mega menu customization functionality and enhanced various WooCommerce product and category rendering functionalities.
* Fix: Improved UI for bbPress, BuddyPress Sticky Post, and managed dark mode fixes with BuddyPress Contact Me.
* Fix: Managed responsive fixes for backend options.
* Fix: Various improvements related to Reign theme, including improvements in BuddyPress group listings, member cover image functionality, and Elementor compatibility.
= 7.5.6 =
* Update: Improved "more" menu dropdown UI.
* Fix: BuddyPress widgets backend UI issues.
* Fix: rtMedia image size to full width in group activity.
* Cleanup: Removed unwanted override files.
* Cleanup: Separated rtMedia functions, removed commented code, applied fixes.
* Fix: Dark mode issues with BP member blog and BP Activity Share Pro.
* Enhancement: Added hookable positions after cover image.
* Update: Updated override files with the latest BB platform.
* Enhancement: Managed group activity listing actions UI.
* Fix: Content background in dark mode with BP business profile.
* Enhancement: Managed font and font size in Gutenberg editor.
* Update: Matched font size with BP Resume Manager and BP Profile Pro.
= 6.8.9 =
* Fix: (#1072) Added condition for profile photo restriction with bp private community pro plugin
* Fix: (#1073) Managed gamipress progress map listing UI
* Fix: (#1073) Managed activity, members directory gamipress UI
* Fix: (#1067) Managed reign dokan dark mode fixes
* Fix: Updated woocommerce product category widget listing UI
* Fix: (#1071) Compatibility with WooCommerce latest version
* Fix: (#1067) Managed dark mode fixes