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Raffles System

Invision Community Raffles System 1.6.4

Raffles System.png

This application will allow members to create and manage raffles and giveaways on your board.

  • Compatibility: IPS 4.3 and 4.2 only!
  • Requirement: Commerce: https://invisionpower.com/features/commerce
  • THIS IS NOT AN UPGRADE of the old app (for IP.Board 3), so if you used the old app you probably still have data from the old app in your database, take a read on Manual.pdf in the zip file or request support BEFORE you install this app.
  • Each purchase entitles you to use Raffles System on one Community installation.
  • Be aware that may have local laws regarding paying for the tickets unless you are registered as a non-profit organization, or have special authorization to do so. Some sites like Paypal usually shut accounts down or even can take actions against the accounts of people using their site in that manner.
  • Ability to choose which type of content per category: only Raffles, only Giveaways or both
  • Up to 100 prizes per raffle/giveaway (category setting)
  • Restrictions members participation per raffle/giveaway by:
    • Tickets per member (raffles only)
    • Number of participants
    • Content count
    • Reputation points/likes
    • Number of days as member
    • Groups
  • Multiple participants per raffle/giveaway (participants can buy more than one ticket (raffle only) to increase their odds)
  • Unlimited categories of raffles/giveaways with permissions, extra fields, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, permissions and extra fields
  • Category Icons
  • Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee and comission and use multi-currencies
  • Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies
  • Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display raffle prices
  • Raffles Management on ACP: a place where admins can control status of raffles: activate raffle, change expiration date and perform mod actions like pin/unpin, lock/unlock, etc
  • Per member settings: allows to access the app and allows to submit raffles
  • Per group settings: allows to access the app, how many approvwd content items must have to access the app and restrict X raffles/giveaways by a period of time (day, week, month and year)
  • Robust Admin CP Restrictions
  • Ability to take specific actions when a member is deleted or flagged as a spammer
  • Ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center
  • Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on
  • Integrates to:
    • Activity Streams
    • Share Links
    • Tag/Prefixs system
    • Notifications such as new raffles/giveaways, etc
    • Follow System for raffles/giveaways and categories
    • Announcements
    • Advertisements
    • Search system
    • ACP Live Seach (categories)
    • Moderating system, which all commons permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc., for Raffles, Comments and Reviews
  • Ability to create RSS feeds of all adverts
  • More...
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Last update

More resources from raz0r

Latest updates

  1. Download Raffles System v1.6.4

    Released October 11 2022 IPS 4.7.3+ compatible.
  2. Download Raffles System v1.6.3.1

    Released September 17 Fix incompatibility with IPS

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