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Quiz And Survey Master + Addons

Quiz And Survey Master + Addons 8.1.16

8.1.16 (SEPTEMBER 20, 2023)​

  • Feature: Added option to use random question and answer with manual pagination
  • Bug: Fix quiz score calculation issue with file upload question types
  • Enhancement: Improved nonce validation logic

8.1.14 (AUGUST 24, 2023)​

  • Feature: Added option to change text label for “No answer provided”
  • Bug: Resolved the issue where the timer would continue to display in the page title even after being disabled
  • Bug: Addressed several PHP warnings
  • Bug: Patched a vulnerability to prevent race conditions during submission
  • Bug: Fixed Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in question description
  • Enhancement: Included an option to underline text in the editor