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Information: Safety & Support
Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
= Version 4.6 = 21 Nov 2023
* Added - ChatGPT 4 Turbo Model
* Added - Dall-E 3 Image Model
* Added - New image sizes for Dall-E 3
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 4.5 = 03 Nov 2023
* Added - Text Streaming feature for AI Templates (Improve Speed)
* Fixed - Paytabs Payment Gateway
* Fixed - Android app link on footer
* Fixed - A few issues
= Version 4.3 = 28 Sep 2023
* Added - Chatbot training with a JSON file
* Added - Text translation feature for text-to-speech (translate the text in selected language before converting to speech)
* Added - Newsletter form on the home page
* Added - Option to disable the payment proof for wire transfer
* Fixed - A few issues