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QR Code Generator BioLinks vCard SaaS

QR Code Generator BioLinks vCard SaaS 2.103 NULLED Extended


2025-02-20 v2.103
  • Restyled the automatic form popup WATCH VIDEO.
  • Show QR Code type limits breakdown in my account page.
  • Performance improvement in QR Code list page: fetch folders only once, instead of repeated folder network request for each QR code in the page.
  • Bugfix: do not log out the user automatically when current authentication token validation fails.
  • Bugfix: logo block showing old data and cannot be removed, now the old logo block data will not be displayed in the generated biolinks page.
  • Bugfix: preview is not showing in the right position in biolinks when vCard block is added.
  • Bugfix: the newly added vcard list input not working when used inside biolinks vcard block.