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Profilex - Portfolio Builder SAAS / Multi-User Profile (Multitenancy) [KreativDev]

Profilex - Portfolio Builder SAAS / Multi-User Profile (Multitenancy) [KreativDev] 3.0 NULLED

Version 3.0 – Released on 15th October, 2024​

- google analaytics implemention
- From Now on, Admin will be able to add & translate Tenant's Dashboard. Also Tenant can add additional languages (according to subscription plan's language limit)
- Package downgraded feature update
- Admin can assign Specific themes to package
- Service limitation added in subscription plan
- Skills limitation added in subscription plan
- Job Experiences limitation added in subscription plan
- Educational Experiences limitation added in subscription plan
- Portfolios limitation added in subscription plan
- Blog Categories limitation added in subscription plan
- Portfolio Categories limitation added in subscription plan
- Languages limitation added in subscription plan
- Blog posts limitation added in subscription plan
- User Registration page Enable / Disable system added
- User account active/deactive issue fixed
- Protection for repeated login attempts
- Admin dashboard username design fix
- Countries select option added instead of normal input field


- Token based stripe checkout implemented
- Fixed: Add to contact issue in vcard
- Fixed: Mollie payment issue during tenant registration
- Fixed: Issue during changing tenant's customer password by Tenant
- Fixed: changed password success message issue in Tenant dashboard


-- Appointment Booking for Tenant Website
-- Categories Management
-- Category Enable / Disable system
-- Form Builder for each category
-- General Form Builder (if category is disabled)
-- Day-wise time slots
-- Weekends
-- Holidays Management
-- Advance Payment (partial) / Full Payment system
-- Auth / Guest Checkout
-- Reset serial number system (will set the appointment serial to 0)
-- Added Appointment feature in Pricing
-- 10 Online Payment Gateways added for Tenant
-- Unlimited Offline Gateways for Tenant
-- 3 More Themes Added for Tenant
-- Photography
-- Agency Light
-- Agency Dark
-- Multilingual Tenant Dashboard
-- RTL Support for Tenant Dashboard
-- Multilingual Admin Dashboard
-- RTL Support for Admin Dashboard
-- Default Language Setup & Translation by Admin for Tenant Dashboard & Website
-- Secret Login to Tenant Dashboard from Admin
-- Registered Customers in Tenant Dashboard
-- Limits for vCard based on pricing plan
-- Customer Panel for Tenant's Website
-- Appointments
-- Edit Profile, Dashboard, change password etc...
-- Plugins
-- Google Analytics
-- Disqus
-- Whatsapp
-- Facebook Pixel
-- Tawk.to
-- Added Plugins to Pricing Plan
-- Email Templates Added for Tenant
-- Coupon Added for Tenant Registration
-- Fixed issues
-- many untracked changes
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