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Profile Builder Pro + Addons

Profile Builder Pro + Addons 3.12.4 NULLED

= 3.12.4 =
* Fix: The Userlisting Facet Role field count is now excluding Unapproved users
* Fix: Better error handling for Multi-Step Forms
* Fix: If the Mailchimp field is used in a form with Admin Approval, subscribe users to the list only after they are approved
* Fix: With Form Designs, make sure space is cleared when invisible recaptcha fields are placed in the form
* Misc: Updated WooCommerce Sync templates
* Misc: Correctly place X icon on the login form
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.12.3 =
* Fix: Issue with the EPAA add-on that was causing previously approved field data to disappear
* Fix: Issue with Conditional Logic not working correctly when it was used over the Select User Role field
* Misc: Show correct tooltip when removing Multi Step Forms breakpoints
* Misc: Allow translation for the Admin Approval buttons that appear when approving users from an email link
* Fix: An error that could be triggered in some cases from the Userlisting when outputting field values
* Fix: Switch the Search All Fields functionality from Userlisting to a GET request to prevent form resubmission popups from browsers when using the back button
* Misc: Remove extra check when filtering restricted files
= 3.12.1 =
* Feature: Added possibility to create multiple map fields
* Feature: Added `meta_compare` parameter to the [wppb-list-users] shortcode. This can be used in combination with the `meta_key` and `meta_value` parameters to filter which users are displayed in a certain Userlisting
* Fix: Make sure htaccess rules are updated when the File Restriction add-on is enabled
* Fix: Add Form Designs styling for the Blog Details field
* Fix: Allow the Hide Userlisting Until Search is performed feature to work with the Userlisting templates
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.12.0 =
* Feature: Added search bar for Maps that are being displayed inside the Userlisting
* Fix: Issue with LinkedIn Social Connect logins. Applications need to be recreated, please review the documentation again
* Fix: BuddyPress integration issue where visibility settings were being shown for some hidden fields
* Misc: Updated twitter logo for Social Connect back-end pages
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.11.8 =
* Feature: Added options to customize the available Form Designs. Go to the Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Forms and enable the Color Switcher option to use this.
* Fix: Allow the single Userlisting shortcode to work again with values like single="true" or single="yes"
* Fix: Fixed a couple of notices that could be thrown from the Userlisting merge tags in certain cases
= 3.11.7 =
* Fix: Issue with the custom fields added to the WooCommerce Checkout not validating correctly when using a certain PayPal gateway
* Fix: Compatibility issues with newer versions of MailPoet
* Fix: Display of the field information under Manage Fields for the Mailchimp Subscribe field
* Fix: Allow Repeater Fields to work when they are loaded dynamically through the AJAX Conditional Logic feature
* Misc: Remove extra UI from the Repeater Fields interface
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.11.6 =
* Fix: Issue with single userlisting shortcode parameter not working correctly
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.11.5 =
* Feature: AJAX on forms. Added a shortcode and form option to process the forms submission through AJAX
* Fix: A notice coming the Files Restriction functionality
* Fix: A notice coming from the Social Connect add-on
* Misc: Add additional information to the Files Restrictions settings page when the htaccess file is not writeable
= 3.11.4 =
* Feature: New field type: Select Taxonomy. Allow your users to select a taxonomy term on registration and use this field in the Userlisting
* Fix: An error triggering from Conditional Fields in some situations
* Fix: Issue with the Field Visibility add-on sometimes preventing users from changing their password
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Reactions: edgars221289