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Prime Slider (Premium)

Prime Slider (Premium) 3.16.8 NULLED

## 3.16.8 [20th February 2025]

### Fixed

- Editor mode conflict issue fixed in event calendar widget
- Thumbs cls issue fixed in knily widget

### Updated

- Advanced animation js optimized
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Reactions: edgars221289
## 3.16.6 [22th January 2025]

### Fixed

- Shape file path, title tag & slide issue fixed in event calendar widget
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
## 3.15.5 [23th November 2024]

### Fixed

- Translation issue fixed
## 3.13.8 [17th May 2024]

### Fixed
- Folder structure issue fixed
= 3.13.3 [21th March 2024] =

### Updated

- Admin dashboard license notice improved
## 3.10.2 [14th October 2023]

### Added

- Layout style option added in fortune widget

### Fixed

- Viewport height issue fixed
- Avatar widget z-index issue fixed
## 3.5.3 [20th February 2023]

### Added

- Lazy loading compatibility added in avatar, elysium, Escape, Fortune, Isolate, Monster, Sniper, Tango, Coddle, Fiestar, Knily, Marble, Mercury, Pacific, Rubix, Vertex widgets
- Isolate, skin slice, skin locate, Blog, skin folio, Fluent icon color issue fixed
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Reactions: PuppyLo