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Price rounding (5ct, 10ct, .99, .95, Swiss, etc...)

PrestaShop Price rounding (5ct, 10ct, .99, .95, Swiss, etc...) 1.3.7


Round the Price of your products, shipping costs and the shopping basket total. Avoid centimes in your store prices even if you apply a specific priceor discount voucher. This way, your orders and invoices will always show the exact amounts

Prices always rounded (avoid the centimes even when you apply discounts)
Round the Price of your products, shipping costs and the shopping basket total. Avoid centimes in your store prices even if you apply a specific priceor discount voucher. This way, your orders and invoices will always show the exact amounts

Strategic prices (psychological)
Use rounding methods that allow you to establish strategic prices (psychological) for your clients. Rounding to .99 and to .95 will allow you to apply neuromarketing techniques so that your product prices have a psychological effect on the client and increase their predisposition to buy in your store.

Multiple conditions for rounding
The module allows you to round by Currency, Category, Product, Client Group, Client, Country, Area, Manufacturer, Provider, Attributes, Characteristics, Weight and Stock.

· Only round the prices for a specific country
· Only round the prices for a specific currency
· Show rounded prices for a product category (outlet, liquidation, etc...)
· Show prices with the exact decimals

Mass modify prices
The module applies mass and automatic rounding (in real time) while the module is active. The price is not modified on the PrestaShop database, so you can apply the rounding without losing the original product price.

Apply rounding to discounts
Choose if you want to round all the products that comply with the selected conditions or avoid applying it to those with discounts.

Compatible with geolocation (from PrestaShop or from other geolocation modules)
If you have activated the PrestaShop geolocation or have installed any other module with that function, you can use the country and area filters to define for which clients (from which areas and/or countries) you want to apply the configuration.
When you access your store you will see the rounded prices, depending on your IP connection (not the address of the shipping destination country).
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  • Version 1.3.7
  • Downloads 30
  • Views 486
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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