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PressFly - Monetized Articles System by 	MightyScripts

PressFly - Monetized Articles System by MightyScripts 3.4.1 NULLED

Version 3.3.0 - (3 February 2023)
- Fixed: Error "500" when installing with some PHP versions.
- Improved: Remove accents from the article slug
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 3.2.0 - (3 January 2023)
- Added: [Most wanted feature] Ability to show AdLinkFly short links within PressFly articles.
- Added: Require PHP 8.1
- Added: Members can delete draft articles
- Added: PHPMailer to send emails via SMTP, Sendmail,
- Improved: the script no longer requires putenv and getenv PHP functions
- Improved: disable the article submit button after submitting the form
- Fixed: Error when a user changes his password from the member area
- Fixed: Referral earnings are not displayed correctly on the member dashboard
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes