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PowerPack for Beaver Builder

PowerPack for Beaver Builder 2.40.0

== 2.40.0 ==
Release date: January 10, 2025

* Enhancement: Category Grid - Added logic to select and display categories from multiple taxonomies
* Enhancement: WPForms Styler - Added an option to choose HTML tag for the custom title
* Enhancement: Login Form - Added Wordfence 2FA support
* Enhancement: Sliding Menu (a11y) - Added aria-label attribute and used <nav> tag
* Enhancement: Sliding Menu (a11y) - Added option to change aria-label text
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu (a11y) - Added option to change aria-label text
* Enhancement: Off-canvas Content (a11y) - Added option to provide aria-label text
* Enhancement: Info Box (a11y) - Added aria-label attribute to image link
* Enhancement: Image Carousel (a11y) - Added aria-label attribute to image link
* Fix: Instagram Feed - Double arrow icons in the carousel navigation buttons
* Fix: Login/Register - Added workaround to prevent possible PHP error when wp_login_url() is called too early
* Fix: Video - Overlay image size issue in Safari after WordPress 6.7 introduced sizes="auto" attribute
* Fix: Video Gallery - CookieYes plugin shows cookie banner in the lightbox even after giving consent
* Fix: Content Grid - PHP fatal error when compiling custom CSS if there are errors in CSS
* Fix: Advanced Tabs (a11y) - Moved role="tablist" attribute to tabs labels container
* Fix: Info List (a11y) - Removed role="presentation" attribute from the image tag
* Fix: Row Separators - Custom size for large breakpoint was not getting applied for a couple of separators
* Development: Reviews - Added filter hook pp_reviews_google_sort_newest (bool)
* Development: Login Form - Added action hook pp_login_form_before_login
== 2.39.0 ==
Release date: November 11, 2024

* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added an option to provide parent term ID to show child terms in taxonomy filters
* Enhancement: Info Box - Added explicit width and height attribute to image tag
* Enhancement: Info List - Added explicit width and height attribute to image tag
* Enhancement: Video - Added field connections for start and end time
* Fix: Content Grid - ACF Repeater shortcode "wpbb-acf-repeater" was not working with AJAX filters and pagination
* Fix: Logos Carousel - Number of items setting for large breakpoint was not working
* Fix: Smart Headings - Description color preview was not working
* Fix: Advanced Menu - Submenu toggle alignment issue in the off-canvas panel
* Fix: Dual Buttons - Vertical spacing issue when buttons are stacked
* Fix: Reviews - Pagination bullets margin was not working after the recent update
* Fix: Image/Photo Gallery - Caption on hover was not working in justified gallery layout
* Fix: Image Carousel - Slides to scroll setting was not working in some cases
* Fix: Hover Cards - PHP warning
* Fix: Row Separator - Top separator rendering issue when bottom separator is set to Mountain or Curve
* Fix: Node settings section toggle icon issue in BB 2.9-alpha-2
* Development: Video - Added filter hook pp_video_remote_thumbnail_response
== 2.38.2 ==
Release date: October 2, 2024

* Enhancement: Info Box - Added more units for the button custom width
* Fix: Advanced Menu - "vw" unit was not working for the off-canvas menu width
* Fix: JavaScript error in Customizer
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Reactions: edgars221289
== 2.37.6 ==
Release date: August 7, 2024

* Fix: Table - PHP error when choosing ACF Relationship field and not providing the field key
* Fix: Photo Gallery - Layout issue inside the expandable row
* Fix: Table of Content - Unable to select heading tags
* Fix: Content Grid - Carousel auto height was not working in some cases
* Fix: FlipBox - Height issue in expandable row
* Development: Gravity Forms - Added filter hook pp_gravity_forms_use_gravity_theme
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Reactions: edgars221289
== 2.37.4 ==
Release date: July 13, 2024

* Fix: Advanced Accordion - Minor accessibility fix
* Fix: Content Grid - Minor PHP warning
* Fix: Unable to change HTML tag to <p> for text in some modules
* Security: Added more escaping to further improve security
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Reactions: edgars221289
== 2.36.2 ==
Release date: April 5, 2024

* Fix: Content Grid - Scroll pagination was repeating posts when using FacetWP filters
* Fix: Album - Cover height was getting applied on the button trigger
* Fix: Social Icons - New Twitter icon displays incorrectly on Windows
* Fix: Hover Cards - Opacity issue when using global color for the overlay
* Fix: Hover Cards - Do not set transparent background when the overlay color is not provided
== 2.35.0 ==
Release date: February 29, 2024

* Enhancement: Added new row separator - Twin Curves
* Enhancement: Contact Form - Added Beaver Themer field connection for the email field
* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added support for WooCommerce catalog ordering dropdown on shop page
* Enhancement: Social Icons - Hide the corresponding icon when the link is not provided
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Prevent closing Modal Box when clicking on page anchors in the modal by using this CSS class anchor-click-no-event
* Enhancement: Modal Box - Converted modal box border, shadow, and margin multiple fields to single compound field
* Enhancement: Logos Grid - Added an option to upload bulk images including support for Beaver Themer's field connections
* Enhancement: Animated Headline - Added experimental CSS class "no-loop" to prevent animation loop for rotating text
* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added an option to provide custom toggle icon from font icons library
* Fix: Table - Scroll swipe feature was not working when there are multiple instances on the same page
* Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Image scaling issue in Safari browser in some cases
* Fix: FAQ - Radius was not working on hover in some cases
* Fix: WPForms Styler - Some styles were not working due to CSS class change in WPForms
* Fix: Video - JavaScript error when rendering video from Facebook
* Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Removed default tabindex value from the module settings
* Fix: Infolist - Issues with items spacing
* Fix: Album - Cover width and height options are not working for large breakpoint
* Fix: Advanced Menu - PHP notice in some cases when background opacity field is empty
* Fix: Pullquote - Background and text color were not getting applied in some cases
* Fix: Hover Cards 2 - Do not set background none if color field is empty
* Fix: Content Grid - JS error in some cases
* Fix: Modal Box - Overlay was showing despite the option was set to hide
* Fix: Pricing Table - Icon center alignment issue when there is no item text
* Development: Social Icons - Added filter hook pp_social_icons_empty_link_hide_icon
* Development: Business Hours - Added filter hook pp_business_hours_enable_schema to disable schema markup
== 2.34.1 ==
Release date: November 25, 2023

* Fix: Advanced Menu - Horizontal layout issue in responsive view
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Reactions: edgars221289
== 2.33.2 ==
Release date: October 5, 2023

* Enhancement: Content Grid - Added screen reader text for the post read-more button to improve accessibility
* Enhancement: Breadcrumbs - Added <nav> wrapper element for Yoast breadcrumbs to improve accessibility
* Enhancement: FAQ - Added keyboard navigation support
* Fix: Gravity Forms - Radio/Checkbox label font-weight was not working when font-family is set to default
* Fix: Content Grid - Carousel responsive column issue
* Fix: Content Grid - Post title was overlapping other content in Style 4
* Fix: Dot/One Page Nav - Dot was showing when the row is hidden
* Fix: Team - PHP error with PHP version 8.1.x
* Development: Off-Canvas Content - Added hook pp_offcanvas_body_inner_wrap to disable wrapping body HTML when needed