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Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme

Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 7.3.2 NULLED

Version 7.0.7 (2.27.2024)

+ Added: WPBakery 7.5 Compatibility
+ Added: Elementor 3.19.3 Compatibility
- Fixed: Issue which Elementor widgets aren't shown on panel
- Fixed: Issue which porto settings don't save properly due to ajax error on redux panel
- Updated: Language files
Version 7.0.6 (2.19.2024)

+ Added: WooCommerce 8.6 Compatibility
- Updated: The depth of subcategories in the search form
- Fixed: Issue with not loading the RTL CSS files for post types
- Updated: Language files
Version 7.0.5 (2.13.2024)
- Fixed: Issue which the content type meta field of the post type builder is not imported properly when importing the demo.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Version 7.0.1 (1.09.2024)

+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.5.0.
Version 6.12.3 (12.21.2023)

- Fixed: Issue which Yoast Seo first-time configuration doesn't work for SEO Data Optimization
Version 6.12.1 (11.25.2023)

- Fixed: SQL Injection Vulnerability Issue
- Fixed: Broken Access Control Vulnerability Issue

+ Added: WPBakery 7.2 to package
- Fixed: Live search php 8.2 issue
- Fixed: Issue which search candidate shows twice on live search
- Fixed: Issue which REST API ajax doesn't work in terms of live search
- Fixed: Issue which pages exclude homepage don't show the icon correctly
Version 6.12.0 (11.15.2023)

+ Added: Alpus AI Review Engine 2.0
Implement to Shop Demo 4, Shop Demo 45, Shop Demo 46
+ Added: WPBakery Creative Agency 2
+ Added: Elementor Creative Agency 2
+ Added: WPBakery Creative Agency 1
+ Added: Elementor Creative Agency 1
+ Added: WPBakery Personal Portfolio 2
+ Added: Elementor Personal Portfolio 2
+ Added: WPBakery Personal Portfolio 3
+ Added: Elementor Personal Portfolio 3
+ Added: Animations page
+ Added: Reveal with background effect on Button, Image Widget
+ Added: Reveal effect to Button, Featured image widget on Type Builder widget
+ Added: Carousel page
+ Added: Product category page
+ Added: History page
+ Added: Shop page with product category on page header
+ Added: 20+ Porto Studio blocks for new demos of Shop 45, Shop 46
+ Added: WordPress 6.4 Compatibility
+ Added: WooCommerce 8.2 Compatibility
+ Added: Elementor 3.17 Compatibility

+ Added: Split JS for improving the performance
Split shop-ajax js file
Split footer reveal js file
Split lazyload menu js file
Split circular bar js file
Split YITH Compare js file
Split loading overlay js file
Split member async js file
Split portfolio async js file
Split post ajax modal js file
Split sort filters js file
Split video api js file
Split wc widget js file
+ Added: Split CSS for improving the performance
+ Added: Split the _portfolio.scss
+ Added: Split the _event.scss
+ Added: Split the _member.scss
+ Added: Content floating function of Featured Image widget on Type Builder
+ Added: New Product Type ( Floating Content )
+ Added: New Product Layout ( Scatted Layout )
+ Added: New Product Layout ( Video Thumbnail )
+ Added: New Product Layout ( 360 Degree )
+ Added: 360 degree feature on single product
+ Added: Loading transition for shop filter or posts grid ajax
+ Added: UX of template builder on theme options
+ Added: Transition for product image
+ Added: Transition for featured image in Post Type Builder
+ Added: Autocomplete post ids on Porto Posts grid

- Updated: Landing and Shortcodes Mega menu update
- Updated: 18 Shop Demos to Full Site Editing
Shop Demo 5
Shop Demo 7
Shop Demo 9
Shop Demo 11
Shop Demo 12
Shop Demo 13
Shop Demo 15
Shop Demo 17
Shop Demo 18
Shop Demo 26
Shop Demo 29
Shop Demo 31
Shop Demo 33
Shop Demo 35
Shop Demo 37
Shop Demo 38
Shop Demo 39
Shop Demo 41

- Updated: Categories, Products mega menu of Shop demos
- Updated: To hover of toggle menu like shop35
- Updated: Search result page in terms of 'All' of post type
- Updated: Calculation of submenu position on Mega Menu
- Updated: WooCommerce form tracking design template
- Updated: Search Engine of Theme Options
- Updated: WPBakery main toggle menu widget
- Updated: label of theme options
- Updated: Deprecated the twitter widget
- Updated: Footer of demos instead of twitter feed widget
- Updated: Menu documentation
- Updated: Support documentation
- Updated: Order Tracking template
- Updated: To show aligned middle in popup menu type
- Updated: Ajax posts per page to 35
- Updated: Font Awesome Optimized Icon
- Updated: WooCommerce Template files
- Updated: Language File
- Updated: Removed the member widget on Full Site Editing Mode

- Fixed: Analytics database doesn't work well on Rank Math Seo ( Customer Issue )
- Fixed: Live search issue compatibility with YITH Point of Sale(POS) plugin ( Customer Issue )
- Fixed: Issue which Theme Option wishlist-color-inverse does not work well for compare plugin
- Fixed: Badge issue on Porto Patcher
- Fixed: Pre-order issue for variable products
- Fixed: Info box hover color issue
- Fixed: Demo import if DOMDocument doesn't exists
- Fixed: Class variable php issue for PHP 8.0
- Fixed: W3 validation issue of open graph meta tags with SEO Plugins
- Fixed: W3 validation issue of ultimate content box widget
- Fixed: Right sidebar works as left sidebar on mobile
- Fixed: Hover color of advanced button
- Fixed: Outline custom issue of button widget
- Fixed: Height issue of slide side menu widget(photography demo)
- Fixed: Product vertical thumb column issue
- Fixed: Shop 35 menu loading broken issue
- Fixed: Shop 46 merge css issue( css variable )
- Fixed: Bootstrap-optimize.js issue
- Fixed: responsive columns of carousel(576<768)
- Fixed: Playground auth session issue
- Fixed: Cutomer issue(pagination)
- Fixed: Shop3 Category Type Issue
- Fixed: Shop-Hidden Filters Type Issue
- Fixed: Porto Popover widget doesn't work well
- Fixed: Info box widget backward compatibility
- Fixed: Sticky sidebar toggle button issue on Theme Options
Version 6.11.1 (10.16.2023)

- Updated: AI Review Summary Engine with ChatGPT3
+ Added: WPBakery Page Builder 7.1.0
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.2.0
+ Added: Compatibility with WordPress 6.3.2
- Updated: WooCommerce template files
- Updated: Language Files
- Fixed: Backward Compatibility with WooCommerce < 8.0
- Fixed: Issue which doesn't show well on responsive( 576px < width < 768px ) columns on Carousel
- Fixed: PHP low version issue
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Version 6.11.0 (9.26.2023)

Boosting Woo Experience with AI System:
Porto has released new AI Product Review Summary Plugin with Alpus.

AI is the future. It'll change the WooCommerce and their experiences a lot.
Pls enjoy doing well with our Alpus Plugins and Porto.

Please see Youtube Guide.

We've also released new Font Awesome 6 icons for x-twitter, meta(facebook) icons and so on.
If you face any problems in terms of icons, You should change custom css from 'font-family: Font Awesome 5 Free' to 'font-family: var(--fa-style-family-classic)' on Theme Options > Skin > Custom CSS.

Pls see new icons in here.

+ Added: AI Product Review Summary.
+ Added: AI Product Review function implemented in Porto Shop45.
+ Added: Improved the performance of js execution(80ms), rendering time(1000ms) in terms of advanded product type with variations.

+ Added: New Shop Demo 45 for WPBakery.
+ Added: New Shop Demo 45 for Elementor.
+ Added: New Shop Demo 46 for WPBakery.
+ Added: New Shop Demo 46 for Elementor.
+ Added: New What’s New 6.11.0
+ Added: New AI Blog on www.portotheme.com
+ Added: Huge experience of WPBakery Page Builder and Theme options with Image Tooltip.
+ Added: New Porto Studio Blocks.
+ Added: Legacy blocks of Porto Studio for customer request.
+ Added: Theme option for Mobile Experience of Search Form.
+ Added: Implement to Shop Demo 4, Shop Demo 45 on Mobile.
+ Added: Changelog function to Porto patcher.
+ Added: New sticky header effect: always show when scroll up.
+ Added: Effect to Reveal search form layout.
+ Added: Add a new product layout with Shipping Delivery Tab.
+ Added: Add a new product layout with Custom Tab.
+ Added: Add a new product layout with Stock Available.
+ Added: Compatibility with YITH Ajax Search.
+ Added: Compatibility with Fibo Search.
+ Added: Border width of top menu on Menu Widget.
+ Added: Border color of top menu on Menu Widget.
+ Added: Menu item separator color on Menu Widget.
+ Added: Menu item separator hover color on Menu Widget.
+ Added: Autocomplete function to the terms option of Posts Grid Widget.

- Updated: Post Type(Loop) Builder.
- Updated: Menu Editor for improving UI, UX.
- Updated: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.1.1
- Updated: WooCommerce Templates.
- Updated: Compatibility with WooCommerce gutenberg block style.
- Updated: Type Builder with new interfaces and description.
- Updated: Type Builder Content Widget.
- Updated: Type Builder Featured Image Widget.
- Updated: Type Builder Woo Stock Widget for gutenberg preview.
- Updated: Type Builder Woo Price Widget for gutenberg preview.
- Updated: Type Builder Woo Rating Widget for gutenberg preview align issue.
- Updated: Only options without depdency are searched in the Redux theme option panel.
- Updated: Header Builder.
- Updated: The video is displayed by default in the loop for the video post type.
- Updated: overlay_bg_opacity to 80 as default of Porto Modal Widget.
- Updated: Font Awesome Icons 6.
- Updated: The cart icon of Porto icons.
- Updated: Font Awesome 6 to WPBakery Icons.
- Updated: Theme Option depdendency for header builder and header presets.
- Updated: ccols-xl updated to have the same width as bootstrap xl
- Updated: Responsive control of Products Filter widget.
- Updated: All footer logos of demos for importing successfuly.
- Removed: H1 tag of Logo.
- Removed: Blog, shop page to avoid confusing in Display condition.

- Fixed: Issue which flex-auto and flex-1 column widths change when changing columns in WPBakery header builder.
- Fixed: Sku search function.
- Fixed: Issue which zoom effect does not work in Porto Modal Widget.
- Fixed: Validation issue of $_POST.
- Fixed: Product attributes are not displayed if they do not exist.
- Fixed: Gzencode of Patcher content for cloudflare.
- Fixed: Issue which the sidebar toggle is not displayed in the right sidebar.
- Fixed: Issue which typewriter word type animation does not work properly.
- Fixed: Menu type of header preset default value.
- Fixed: Issue which page title and subtitle are not displayed in some cases.
- Fixed: Studio Library displaying issue on Laptop Screen.
- Fixed: Issue which the Shop 42 products filter does not work because the product attribute is not imported.
- Fixed: PHP 8.1 issue.
- Fixed: Issue which menu type does not work for Sidebar menu widget.
- Fixed: Issue which there is no distinction between menu types and basic settings of the main menu.
- Fixed: Issue which depdendency does not work properly in Live Option Panel (Customize Preview).
- Fixed: The flex-wrap function of Porto Section widget to work in Gutenberg preview.
- Fixed: Issue which the search toggle form is not displayed when converting to grid/list toggle on the shop page.