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Polylang for WooCommerce Plugin

Polylang for WooCommerce Plugin 2.1.4 NULLED

= 2.1.4 (2025-01-13) =
* Add compatibility with Brands introduced in WC 9.4
* Fix the translation of tax labels in emails
* Fix deprecated notices with WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping and Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce
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Reactions: thecult
= 2.1 (2024-09-09) =

* Improve performance when saving product variations.
* Add support of coming soon mode introduced in WC 9.1. Requires WC 9.3.
* Add support of the global unique ID introduced in WC 9.2.
* Allow to translate the local pickup title, name and location details
* Fix impossibility to disable a product variation
* Fix SKU lock in REST API since WC 9.2. Requires WC 9.3.
* Fix store blocks not translated when using one domain per language.
= 2.0.1 (2024-07-23) =
* Security: Fix query returning all subscriptions regardless of their customers.
* Fix deprecated notices in Bookings and Subscriptions integrations.

1.9.5 (2024-06-04)​

  • Fix new account email sent in wrong language when using the checkout block
  • Fix translation of gateways and shipping options in the checkout block
  • Fix compatibility with Yith Ajax Search 2.0+. Props Salvatore Strano from Yith
= 1.9.4 (2024-01-30) =

* Reduce the number of DB queries for the shop page.
* Revert canonical redirect of the shop page to avoid an infinite redirect loop.
* Fix a fatal error when duplicating a page with the featured product block.
= 1.9 (2023-10-09) =
* Requires WordPress 5.9 or higher, WC 6.2 or higher
* Add compatibility with High Performance Order Storage (requires Polylang 3.4.5 and WooCommerce 8.0)
* Add compatibility with the "Reviews by Product" block
* Fix rewrite rules in WP 6.4 (requires Polylang 3.5)
* Fix the front page when using the "Filter Products by Attribute" block
* Fix terms of the "Filter by attributes" block not filtered by the current language
* Fix checkout block redirecting to the checkout page in the wrong language.
* Fix PHP notice on checkout page when using the checkout block
* Fix attribute lookup table not correctly populated when creating a variation with the REST API
* Fix attribute terms not translated in translation of a product duplicate
* Fix variations title and excerpt uselessly exported in XLIFF files (requires Polylang 3.5)
* Fix booking not confirmed if the language is changed during checkout
= 1.8 (2023-05-23) =
* Requires WordPress 5.8 or higher, WC 5.6 or higher, Polylang 3.4 or higher.
* Adapt the code base to Polylang 3.4.
* Add support for XLIFF import and export with Polylang Pro.
* Add support for the product attributes lookup table.
* Bookings: Unlink person types from product instead of deleting them.
* Fix invalid order in account page if an account endpoint is set to an empty value.
* Fix checkout block redirecting to the order received page in wrong language.
* Fix shortcodes reported as missing in status report when WC pages use blocks.
* Fix legacy report for children categories.
* Fix fatal error when attempting to access the order in a function hooked to `woocommerce_email_recipient_new_order`.
* Fix: avoid a fatal error in WooCommerce Min Max Quantities.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 1.7.2 (2023-02-21) =
* Fix a fatal error when sending emails and the order has no language.
* Fix a warning with WC Brands.
* Fix image saved in wrong language in WC Brands.
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Reactions: Oxybutirate
= 1.7.1 (2023-01-10) =
* Fix import of terms with shared slugs broken by WP 6.0.
* Fix block filter by product attributes broken by WC 6.4.
* Fix fatal error when duplicating variable products and some variations have been deleted with Polylang deactivated.
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Reactions: Oxybutirate