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PnixFund is a comprehensive crowdfunding platform designed to empower individuals, organizations, and communities to raise funds for meaningful causes and projects. With a user-friendly interface and robust features, PnixFund offers a seamless and engaging experience for both campaign creators and donors. This dynamic Funding and Donation Platform is not only visually captivating but also brimming with tailored features, ensuring seamless operation across all devices and operating systems. Explore the array of powerful functionalities within this script to craft a comprehensive crowdfunding hub. grab PnixFund today and start a creative platform that empowers individuals and organizations to create positive change and make an impact on causes that matter.

System Overview:​

- User-friendly campaign creation across diverse categories.
- Flexible fundraising goal setting.
- Secure donation processing for registered and guest users.
- Support for automated and manual payment gateways.
- Transparent campaign reporting and analytics.
- Anonymous donor identification.
- Comment moderation for engagement and accountability.
- Gallery showcase for campaign multimedia content.
- Real time Gallery image uploader.
- PDF documentation view for campaign details.
- Featured campaign option for increased visibility.
- Sleek and Modern UI.
- Comprehensive Documentation.
- Browser Compatibility.
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Reactions: pera675
  • Version 1.1
  • Downloads 33
  • Views 312
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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