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Pixel Cat Elite

Pixel Cat Elite 3.0.7 NULLED

= Pixel Cat: Conversion Pixel Manager 3.0.7 =
* Added Custom Post Type support option
* Fix Quiz Cat integration - QuizCompletion event not firing as expected
* Fix ViewContent for TikTok not firing as expected
* Fix log Undefined array key "search_integration" reported
* Fix custom events for a given pixel type also firing for other types
* Tested up to WordPress 6.7
= Pixel Cat: Conversion Pixel Manager 3.0.6 =
* Fix possible XSS vector reported.
* Tested up to WordPress 6.6
= Pixel Cat: Conversion Pixel Manager 3.0.3 =
* Fix PageView event for Facebook (Meta) pixel not firing
= Pixel Cat: Conversion Pixel Manager 3.0.1 =
* Added Google Ads support
* Added WooCommerce ajax add to cart support for all pixel types
* Added compatibility with Easy Digital Downloads Pro
* Added "Add to Wishlist", "Add Billing" and "Purchase" events for Snapchat
* Improved Facebook (Meta) Conversions API support
* Improved Facebook (Meta) Advanced Matching support
* Bug fixes & improvements
= Pixel Cat: Conversion Pixel Manager 2.6.9 =
* Fixed incorrect currency function usage for Easy Digital Downloads Google Analytics integration
= Pixel Cat: Conversion Pixel Manager 2.6.8 =
* Fixed custom event not showing in event type dropdown
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