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Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce Premium

Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce Premium 4.6.2 NULLED

VER 3.7 – (27.11.2022)
01. IMPROVED: Search functionality uses the “Out of stock visibility” option in woocomerce setting to show the out-of-stock product in the search result.
02. FIXED: Boxed Item dependency issue in mega menu
03. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
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Reactions: tatar221

Download Pinkmart v3.6.3 NULLED - AJAX theme for WooCommerce​

VER 3.6.3 – (30.10.2022)​

01. ADDED: typewriter widget
02. IMPROVED: Ajax products tab widget – Vertical tab Style
03. IMPROVED: Ajax products tab widget – Tab and subtitle option
04. FIXED: Preloader RTL logo issue in responsive
05. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
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Reactions: tatar221

VER 3.6.1 – (19.09.2022)​

01. ADDED: Add fixed sidbar option for blog and blog pages
02. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.9+ compatibility check
03. IMPROVED: Dynamic container size slider has 5px step now, to have better ux ( option in theme setting )
04. FIXED: Hide promobar and popup newsletter in comming soon page
05. FIXED: update RTL Mega menu styles
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
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Reactions: tatar221
01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.8 compatibility check
02. IMPROVED: Mega menu style and functionality
03. ADDED: Fullwidth option for menu dropdown
04. ADDED: “Always Open” option for toggle menu
05. ADDED: Boxed item feature for mega menu
06. ADDED: background color feature for mega menu
07. ADDED: fade-in animation for blog element
08. FIXED: load relevant header and footer in multi-language sites
09. FIXED: Carousel not showing in Elementor editor
10. FIXED: image size issue in shop archive pages
11. FIXED: PHP 8 compatibility issue
12. FIXED: load light-gallery library when required
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Reactions: tatar221