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Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce Premium

Pinkmart - AJAX theme for WooCommerce Premium 4.6.2 NULLED

VERSION 4.6.2 – (30.11.2024)

1. Added: buy now feature
2. Fixed: some php warning notices in php 8.3
3. Fixed: fatal error due to yith wishlist plugin upgrade
4. Fixed: fatal error while using stock availability bar option in some cases
5. Fixed: swatches issue in some rtl languages
6. Imporved: wooCommerce 9.4.2 compatibility checked
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Reactions: edgars221289
VERSION 4.6.1 – (16.10.2024)
1. Improvement: compatibility check with WooCommerce 9.3.3
2. Fixed: mini cart widget in header does not work properly in some cased
3. Fixed: an issue with height of recently viewed products in single product page fixed
4. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
VERSION 4.5.1 – (18.08.2024)

1. Added: option for hide/show Out of stock products price.
2. Improved: compatiblity with woocommerce 9.1.4
3. Fixed: Minor CSS bugs
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Reactions: edgars221289
VERSION 4.1 – (20.11.2023)

1. Improved: compatibility with WordPress 6.4.1
2. Improved: compatibility with WooCommerce 8.3
3. Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.17.3
4. FIXED: PHP warning notice while using deal count down timer on product cards
5. FIXED: Fatal error in search functionality in some cases
6. FIXED:strip html tags issue in product metabox options in editor inputs
7. FIXED: product cards not showing when enabling promobar option
8. FIXED: PHP warning notice due to compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS feature
9. FIXED: bullet navigation style issue in product details page when using full-width image slider at top of page
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Reactions: edgars221289
VERSION 4.0.1 – (09.08.2023)

1. Improved: instagram functionality in single product page
2. Improved: compatibility with elementor 3.15 and remove undefined variable warning notice
3. Fixed: unremovable theme upgrade notice issue
4. Fixed: responsive grid issue in rtl responsive devices
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Reactions: edgars221289
VER 3.7.6 – (05.04.2023)
1. FIXED: Header and footer not showing in multilanguage sites built with Polylnag
2. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
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Reactions: tatar221

VER 3.7.5 – (07.03.2023)​

1. IMPROVED: Improved compatiblity with Elementor new version
2. IMPROVED: Compatibility check with Woocommerce 7.4.1
3. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
VER 3.7.2 – (15.01.2023)
01. ADDED: Title color option for “woocommerce advanced layer” widget
02. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 7.3.0 compatibility check
03. FIXED: color picker issue in some cases
04. FIXED: An issue with always open top expandable filters option
05. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs