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Patrick Posner
Passster (Premium).png

Passster Premium NULLED

Give your website the protection it needs with the most secure password protect WordPress plugin, Passster.
Protect your entire WordPress website, specific pages, or just parts of your content with one or more passwords.

Password Protect Your WordPress Site​

Protect your entire WordPress site, specific WordPress pages, WordPress posts, and even WooCommerce products in a few clicks.

With Passster, you can even protect parts of your WordPress pages/posts to secure things like forms, downloads, content, and more.

Passster works with various custom post types, including ACF, Widgets, and the Block Editor.

Sell passwords with WooCommerce​

Sell access to restricted pages and areas with WooCommerce and Passster.

Automatically generate passwords after purchase and send the password via a customizable e-mail to the customer.

Build a fully automated membership site without the hassle of a user account system.

Customize the password protection form​

Customizing Passster’s password protection form is straightforward.

Use the design settings to change the form’s colors, text, hover style, and all relevant messages in just a few clicks.

Passster’s password protection form will merge seamlessly with your WordPress theme or pagebuilder, and you’ll be able to customize it to suit you.

Choose Your Password Protection Type​

Protect your WordPress website with a password, multiple passwords, password lists, or Google reCAPTCHA and hCAPTCHA.

Enable cookies to unlock protected content with the same password automatically, redirect visitors after verification, and track concurrent logins within Passster.

Use Bitly to create encrypted links for immediate access without visitors having to enter a password.

Easily track password usage and expiration​

With the included statistics solution, you always get a detailed view of the password usage of your website.

Check the number of usages, the used IP (optional), and the browser used.

Passster also includes detailed statistics for password lists to know exactly when a password will expire.
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