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Paper Plane - Modern WordPress Blog Theme

Paper Plane - Modern WordPress Blog Theme 1.1.4 NULLED

Paper Plane.jpg

Paper Plane NULLED. Easy to Use WordPress Blog Theme with Dark Mode​

Paper Plane is a modern and clean WordPress theme for modern content-based blogs and magazines.

9 Beautifully Designed Demos in One Theme​

Thanks to our signature feature, the Demo Switcher, you may apply a new demo any time without affecting your content. If you feel bored with one of the demos, simply apply a new one and get a completely different appearance of your blog or magazine.

Dark Mode​

Turn on Dark Mode for a great viewing experience especially in low-light environments.

Dark Mode is a dramatic new look that’s easy on your eyes and helps you focus on the content. It uses a dark color scheme and is activated automatically based on the browser’s preferred settings or manually with a toggle.

Turn on Dark Mode to give your eyes a break.

Smart Colors​

When you select a dark background color for your header or footer, the text and links color will automatically change to white. You don’t need to set up a lot of color option, as most of them will work automatically based on your selection.

Customize with Instant Live Preview​

All theme options can be configured with the native WordPress customize feature. Forget the outdated settings pages and manually refreshing your page to see the changes. Preview all the changes live while configuring your perfect blog or media.

AMP Support​

We have added styles for the AMP pages to match the main styles of your website. Simply activate the official WordPress AMP plugin to enable Google Accelerated Mobile Pages on your website.

Google Fonts​

Create different styles with 800+ Google Fonts supported. Simply select the desired font from the dropdown and preview it instantly on your website – no more confusing CSS rules or code snippets.

Additional Content​

Ever wanted to place an ad spot underneath your header? A subscribe form below post content? With our signature feature you may insert any content into different template parts without changing template files or overriding templates with a child theme.

Smart Sticky Navigation​

Increase mobile users’ viewport by displaying the main navigation only when they scroll up. Or force the menu to stay sticky all the time. Or disable the feature completely, it’s up to you! Enable either of the three options in theme settings with a single click.

Sticky Sidebar​

Make your widgets sticky when scrolling the page. Select from two options: either stick to the bottom edge of your sidebar or the top edge of the last widget. Increase your ad’s conversion by setting the ad as your last widget and selecting the latter option. Unlike other theme’s sticky sidebars, ours is enabled and doesn’t flicker on tablets or mobiles. By using the native browser’s sticky positioning, we created a sticky sidebar that animates gorgeously not only on desktops but mobiles too.
  • Version 1.1.4 NULLED
  • Downloads 38
  • Views 619
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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