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Panda PrestaShop Template

PrestaShop Panda PrestaShop Template 2.8.8 NULLED

Panda theme 2.8.8 (September 26, 2024)
Tweak: Support the native webp feature of PrestaShop.
Fix: Some slider modules doesn't have the options to show some part of the next slide.
Fix: Background video feature doesn't work in some modules.
Fix: Clicking on the love icon can't unlove the product.
Tweak: Added browser-level lazy loading to most images.
Panda template 2.8.7 (July 28, 2024)
  • Tweak: Adjusted the Instagram module to use your own API to get media from Ins.
  • Fix: Some images didn't show out on PrestaShop 8.
  • Tweak: Added two X twitter icons.
  • Tweak: Adjusted the layout of the mail alert module.
  • New: Make all sliders to be able to show some part of the next slide.
  • Fix: The video background feature didn't work in the Banner module.
  • New: Show stickers by customer groups.
  • Fix: Video background didn't work on resize.
  • Fix: Make the checkout page be able to in boxed layout.
  • Several other fixes.
Panda theme 2.8.6 (November 28, 2023)
Fix: The content width is wrong in v2.8.3, v2.8.4 and v2.8.5
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Reactions: edgars221289