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Paid Member Subscriptions Pro

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro 1.7.3 NULLED

= 1.7.3 =
* Fix: Updated tax rate for Slovakia to 23%
* Fix: Some issues relating to Multiple Currencies when no converter was available
* Fix: Javascript error being triggered from form designs in some cases
* Fix: Discount code error when generating invoices
* Fix: Multiple currencies improvements if add-on is disabled after subscriptions are setup
= 1.7.2 =
* Fix: Use Subscription Currency for the back-end Billing Amount field when Multiple Currencies are enabled
* Fix: Issue with Tax Breakdown not calculating the base price correctly on the MSPU new subscription form
* Fix: Issue with base price calculation when plan had a sign-up fee applied
* Fix: Issue with PWYW subscription plan multiplying the Billing State field when repeatedly hiding and showing the Billing Details
= 1.7.1 =
* Fix: Deprecated jQuery warning coming from Form Designs
* Fix: Form Designs were not positioning the payment sidebar correctly when single subscription pages were viewed (Renew, Retry etc)
* Misc: Added a filter over the IPN URL that is set for PayPal Express subscriptions on initial checkout: pms_paypal_express_checkout_notify_url
* Misc: Added a filter at the beginning of the IPN processing for PayPal Express. This can be used to redirect the IPN to another location if the current website can't process it: pms_paypal_express_ipn_listener_before_processing
= 1.6.9 =
* Fix: Include Discount Code information on Invoices
* Fix: JavaScript error triggering from Form Designs on Profile Builder forms
* Fix: Multiple Currencies are now taking into account zero decimal currencies with Stripe
* Fix: Set a default conversion type for Multiple Currencies
* Misc: Allow Files Restriction admin notice to be dismissed
* Misc: Enqueue Files Restriction JavaScript file only on the necessary admin page
= 1.6.8 =
* Fix: Correctly calculate VAT when prices are inclusive of tax and a valid EU VAT number is being used
* Fix: Take into account valid EU VAT numbers when breaking down taxes for recurring payments
* Fix: Issue with empty heading appearing when no more plans were available for purchase with MSPU
* Fix: PHP 8.3 notice coming from the MSPU add-on
* Misc: Fix a notice that could be triggered from Group Memberships in some cases
* Misc: Run a custom action when a PayPal Express IPN is received: pms_paypal_express_ipn_listener_verified
= 1.6.5 =
* Feature: The PayPal Express Payment Confirmation form is now being automatically submitted by the plugin. You can revert back to the old functionality using this filter: pms_paypal_express_confirmation_form_automatically_submit
* Fix: Removed extra heading that was showing on the Group Membership invite form
* Fix: When using PWYW pricing and the PB Email Confirmation feature, the price the customer selects initially will be now be shown on the final payment page that shows after his email is confirmed
* Misc: Added filters overs the subject and contents of the emails sent by the Email Reminders add-on: pms_er_email_subject_admin, pms_er_email_subject_user, pms_er_email_content_admin, pms_er_email_content_User
= 1.6.4 =
* Fix: Instant Email Reminders now also work when the Profile Builder form is used to sell plans
= 1.6.3 =
* Fix: Fixed issues between Form Designs and certain special characters where they couldn't be displayed correctly
* Fix: Updated Finland VAT rate to 25.5%
= 1.6.2 =
* Fix: A notice coming from the Files Restriction add-on settings
* Fix: Add compatibility with TranslatePress to allow Invoice generation in secondary languages
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