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Added outofthebox_do_domain_verification filter to disable checking if AJAX requests come from the same domain.
Advanced Custom Fields
The ACF field now has a setting to control the return value of the field. It defaults to an array of item metadata, and can now also return a string of one of the metadata keys (e.g. a download url).
The ACF field now has a setting to control the maximum number of items that can be selected.
Added Prev/Next buttons in the inline Audio Player for the File Browser module.
New %date_{format}% placeholder to return the current time in the specified '{format}'. {format} needs to be a PHP date format string.
New 'Display filename on hover' setting for the Grid/Thumbnail view of the File Browser module.
New setting 'Allow switching between views' for the File Browser module.
Bug fixes:
Custom loading image was stretched on mobile devices in case an image with landscape dimensions was used.
Upload Box module could not start uploads when the module was hidden while the plugin was initiated.
When a File Browser modules loads the latest position it was on, the cloud account wasn't correctly selected.
Structure of the shared url received from the API has changed, causing problems with parsing the urls on the front-end.
Move action could fail.
When curl_exec of curl_init are on the list of disabled PHP functions, the plugin cannot communicate with the API and will not run. Till now, the plugin could behave unexpectedly as it didn't check for this.
Added file name to the information box in the File Browser module.
Updated the UI used to manually link Private Folders.
Changed the way how a thumbnail is shown when hovering over a file in a File Browser in 'List' view.
Hide Actions menu when there are no actions available.
Small changes to Mobile layout of File Browser module.
WooCommerce & Advanced Custom Fields
The files/folders selector now remembers the last position when switching between pages, products or creating new ones.
The files/folders selector now marks already added files.
Not longer possible to add the same file multiple times to the list of files.