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OmniPrice - PrestaShop Omnibus Directive compatibility module

PrestaShop OmniPrice - PrestaShop Omnibus Directive compatibility module 1.1.6


This module will help you make your shop compliant with the EU Omnibus Directive, which requires you to display the lowest price within a 30 day period before the promotion starting date.

This is very important, so be carefull when comparing different modules! The Omnibus directive does not require you to show a 30 day price history. It requires you to show the lowest price before the current promotion.

This module gathers price history from regular prices, specific prices and catalog price rules. Based on that history, it shows the lowest price before the current promotion as an additional label below the product price.

Gathering price history may require storing a lot of rows in the database, that’s why we did our best to optimize this process. We do it in a smart way, only reacting to price changes. Additionally you are able to exclude some customer groups in the module settings, ignore countries (if you use the same price for all countries or simply want to display only price for the default country) and ignore combinations (if you don’t use price impacts on combinations).

You can also customize all the colors of the label, to match your theme.
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  • Version 1.1.6
  • Downloads 31
  • Views 597
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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