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Advanced page cache module for prestashop

PrestaShop Advanced page cache module for prestashop 1.0.7


Advanced page cache module for prestashop​

Advanced page cache module is a useful server-side module to save dynamic web pages to static HTML pages and send the static html pages to users, by doing so to greatly improve server-side speed. The more modules you've installed, the more time will be saved. Why you need to use this cache module? Generally this module could increase server side loading time for 5+ times.

In order to have a better understanding of this module usages, let us take a look at what makes up Page loading time first.

What makes up Page loading time.​

The page loading time is made up of two big parts:
  • Server side loading time.
  • Front end loading time.
The server-side performance is the same important as the front end performance, your page will be extremely fast when you optimize both of them.
For most PrestaShop site owners, we just need to do improvements which are easy and budget-friendly, absolutely no needs to a pursue 100 scores, that's for ultimate advanced users. For example:
  • Doing all basic improvements requires $50 and 10 hours, the result is that the total page loading time get reduced for 2 seconds.
  • Doing other high level improvements requires $500 and 50 hours, the result is that the total page loading time get reduced for another 1 second.
Then doing all basic improvements is enough for most PrestaShop site owners.
Major components affect total page loading time
  • Server side loading time.
    • Computer performance.
    • Browser performance.
    • The number of requests.
    • The total size of images*
    • The total size of Js/css files
    • The total size of Font files
  • Front end loading time.
    • Server performance.
    • Server configuration.
    • Location of server.
    • Code quality.
    • The number of modules.
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