• The default language of any content posted is English.
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Novashare - WordPress Social Sharing Plugin

Novashare - WordPress Social Sharing Plugin 1.5.7 NULLED

= 1.3.6 - 01.05.2023 =
* Switched to using CSS variables for various network colors to improve performance. (minified stylesheet reduced by 19%)
* Additional stylesheet refactoring to help further reduce file size.
* Added new Pinterest Share Button Behavior option to Show Pinterest Images only.
* Fixed an issue where the Novashare JavaScript would not get enqueued properly if only using a shortcode on a URL.
* Fixed an SEO warning that was showing up in relation to the copy button link not being crawlable.
* Fixed a PHP error that could happen in a specific settings configuration.
* Added support for Social Warware post meta to the Novashare Migrator.
= 1.3.4 - 09.23.2022 =
* Added new Inline Content option to Show in Feeds.
* Added new novashare_inline filter.
* Added new novashare_floating filter.
* Added new novashare_short_link_url filter.
* Added support for {{network}} variable to all UTM parameter fields.
* Fixed an issue where inline shortcode was not printing if global post type was not selected.
* Fixed a PHP warning being generated in certain instances when global $post data was not available.
* Increased site limit in dropdowns on network settings page.
* Added new Follow Buttons Block, which allows you to quickly add and customize follow buttons for your social network profiles anywhere on your site (via the Block Editor, Customizer, or Widgets screen).
* Increased popup window size for LinkedIn for better usability.