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NEX-Forms - The Ultimate WordPress Form Builder

NEX-Forms - The Ultimate WordPress Form Builder 8.8.3 NULLED

NEX Forms v8.8.3

FIXED: Math result formatting in emails.
FIXED: Resetting of user level on updating.
IMPROVED: Added security measures on fill uploads when using file uploader field in forms.
NEX Forms v8.8.1
NEW: Added compatibility for new Multi-page Forms Add-on for NEX-Forms.
IMPROVED: Added additional security measures on MySQL queries.
FIX: Form view analytical captures on page loading..
FIX: Form interaction analytical captures on page loading.
FIX: _wpnonce variable conflict causing issues with saving and form previews.
NEX Forms v8.7.9
IMPROVED: Added new ID setting for Panels for easier identification when using conditional logic.
FIX: Fixed editing issue of child panels while editing the parent panel.
NEX Forms v8.7.8
IMPROVED: Added privacy on licensing information in the NEX-forms Settings Admin Page.
FIX: Select dropdown when using repeater fields.
FIX: Field selection display issue in Conditional Logic relating to latest Chrome update.
FIX: WordFence char issue.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
NEX Forms v8.7.7
IMPROVED: Made some design tweaks to admin pages to improve usability.
FIX: NEX-Forms DB Table Collation for latest versions of MariaDB and MySQL when creating tales during plugin installation.
NEX Forms v8.7.5
NEW: 500+ FontAwesome icons (now over 2000 icons available to use in any part of a form)
IMPROVED: Updated to FontAwesome 6
NEW: 300+ Google Fonts (now over 1500 google fonts available)
NEW: Clear Form Button (add to form so users can clear all completed form data to re-start)
IMPROVED: Form Split-screens and Full Preview modules
FIX: Field mapping for Mailchimp, Mailster, GetRespose, MailPoet and Form to Post
NEX Forms v8.7.2
NEW: Complete revamp (facelift) of the Form Editor
NEW: Form Editor Optimization - Reduced Form Editor load time by 70%
NEX Forms v8.7.1
NEW: NEX-Forms Dashboard Pages Revamp (facelift)
FIXED: JS backend builder error when using Material Design Forms.