• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
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    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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Neve Pro – Super fast, Easily customizable, Multi-purpose theme

Neve Pro – Super fast, Easily customizable, Multi-purpose theme 2.8.10 NULLED

##### [Version 2.6.5] (2023-07-17)

- [Fix] Duplicate Custom Layout with Polylang
- [Fix] Skip Restricted post from infinite scroll
- [Fix] Enabled compatibility with COT (Custom Orders Tabel)
- [Fix] Support link encoding
- [Fix] Mega Menu sub-menu open when using more than 4 col
- [Fix] Custom Layouts role access
- [Fix] Mega Menu full-width issue
- E2E test fix
- Updated SDK
##### [Version 2.6.2] (2023-06-09)
- [Fix] Restrict Addon compatibility with WordPress 5.8
- [Fix] Restrict Addon compatibility with RankMath
##### [Version 2.6.1] (2023-05-30)
- [Fix] Solve compatibility check
- Update SDK
##### [Version 2.5.6] (2023-04-06)
- [Feat] Dynamic Icon Selection and Optional Button for HFG Advanced Search Components
- [Fix] The color for the copyright component is not updating in the customizer
- [Fix] Search form inherits the post card min-height on the search-no-result page
- [Fix] Primary menu Submenu Icon size is different in customizer vs. frontend
- [Fix] The customizer is not opening with older Neve versions (Neve v3.1 or Neve v3.2 etc.)
- [Fix] Sticky header remains on top of the lightbox of image
- [Fix] Social icons in footer
- Improve code readability
#### [Version 2.5.0] (2023-01-30)
- [Feat] Blog hover effects - [Learn more](https://docs.themeisle.com/article/1306-neve-blog-archive-options#image-style)
- [Feat] Custom Layout Patterns - [Learn more](https://docs.themeisle.com/article/1725-templates-in-neves-custom-layouts)
- [Feat] Custom sidebars module - [Learn more](https://docs.themeisle.com/article/1770-custom-sidebars-module-documentation)
- [Fix] Show missing license notification in the customizer
- [Fix] Activate License label from the plugin screen was replaced with Activate
- [Fix] Inside content display values
- [Fix] After Shop Loop hook is moved before pagination when Sparks is activated
- [Fix] Compatibility support added for Elementor v3.5+
- [Fix] "Select icon" tooltip in the mega menu admin screen
- Test WooCommerce 7.3
- Improve the testing process
[Version 2.4.8] (2022-12-15)
- [Fix] Blocks module not displaying the required plugins
- [Fix] Revert menu changes to fix regressions
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Reactions: tatar221
Version 2.4.7 (2022-12-14)
- [Feat] Add advanced search component support for post types created with ACF Extended
- [Fix] Notice for Otter Pro for new users
- [Fix] Social icons component throwing an error when the link is missing
- [Fix] Posts per page control not working
- [Fix] Show Available Magic Tags on Custom Layout Editor
- [Fix] Theme's header disappears when the footer is built in Elementor Pro
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Reactions: tatar221
[Version 2.4.6] (2022-11-29)
- [Feat] Add an option for displaying the MyAccount icon for non-logged users
- [Fix] Text color not configurable with menu skin mode 2 for sub-menus
- [Fix] Post meta compatibility with ACF
- [Fix] Woo actions not executing when a template exists
- Test WooCommerce and update the "tested up to" version
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Reactions: tatar221