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Nerko - NFT Portfolio Onepage Template unistudioco

Nerko - NFT Portfolio Onepage Template unistudioco 1.3.1

Version: 1.3.1 – 18 Jan, 2023
- Added: data-attr-helper.js for React compatibility.
- Improved: Typography and the some css parts.
- Improved: Compatibility with React, Vue and any other JS frameworks.
- Fixed: Our responsive method now works well with React.
- Fixed: Our 3rd-party JS libraries helpers are compatible with React.
- Fixed: Other minor issues.
## v1.3.0
Added: New landing page 5 with some new elements..
Improved: Compatible with NodeJS v18 instead of v14.
Improved: Compatible with Swiper 8 instead of 6.
Fixed: Small issues.
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