V.5.9.3 - 2024-12-16
- Fix: Compatiblity issue with Elementor 3.26. Elementor new update caused the plugin not loading/crash on Elementor pages.
- New: Fetch playlist based on authors names
- New: Added 'srmp3_disable_wc_player' filter hook to disable player on the WC product thumbnails
- Fix: Anchor RSS feed importation issue
- Fix: CSV Import issue when CSV uses commas as delimiter
- Fix: Mobile issue with the Download & Buy buttons in some case
- Fix: Improved admin UI to make sure the user can click only 1 time on Activate my License
- Fix: Admin column order for Music Licenses CPT
- Fix: Broken Access Control vulnerability
- Tweak: Allow to list tracks based on tags, not only on categories
- Tweak: Advanced Triggers - Audio was muted when using advanced rules in some case
- Tweak: Track Memory. Add a status "completed" in the json storage when the track has been completed
- Tweak: Improved UI of the Import Template Admin Area
- Tweak: Optimized the speed of the backend