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Media File Renamer Pro

Media File Renamer Pro 6.0.2 NULLED

= 6.0.2 (2024/12/06) =
* Add: Support for new parsers.
* Add: Parser for Elementor.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 5.9.8 (2024/09/18) =
* Update: Enhanced locking system.
* Fix: Minor issues.
= 5.9.4 (2024/08/01) =
* Add: Better settings for AI.
* Update: Sanitize Manual enabled by default.
* Fix: Minor fixes in the admin, and internal improvements.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 5.9.1 (2024/04/27) =
* Fix: Corrected metadata display issue when using AI suggest all feature.
* Fix: Resolved potential renaming loop triggered by "On Post Save" event.
* Update: Initialized core at "init" to ensure apply_filters functions correctly.
* Optimization: Removed unnecessary attributes from rename response.
* Fix: Fixed media retrieval filtering with a sub-request for improved accuracy.
= 5.9.0 (2024/04/06) =
* Update: Better error messages.
* Fix: Issue with action_update_postmeta action.
* Fix: Issue with Sync Fields.
= 5.8.7 (2024/03/16) =
* Add: AI Vision Cache for a faster and more efficient workflow.
* Add: Reset Metadata button to remove the renamed and lock status.
* Update: Huge improvement of the Settings, the Dashboard, and the Renamer Field.
* Update: On Upload works much better and is more reliable.
* Fix: Huge amount of little issues were corrected.
= 5.8.1 (2024/01/20) =
* Fix: Async upload with AI Vision.
* Add: Import/Export Settings.
= 5.7.7 (2023/12/05) =
* Update: Enhanced UI, clarified options, unified things.
* Add: Bulk Rename using AI Vision.
* Add: AI Vision on Upload.
* Add: Not Renamed filter in Dashboard.
= 5.7.3 (2023/11/20) =
* Add: Sync only for selected items and mfrh_sync_media_meta filter for post modification during syncing.
* Update: New modal for thumbnails with an "open in new tab" button, and enhanced auto-attach warning message.
* Fix: Adjusted the default behavior of sync functionality.
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Reactions: edgars221289