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Media File Renamer Pro

Media File Renamer Pro 6.0.2 NULLED

Jordy Meow

Media File Renamer NULLED is a WordPress plugin that renames your media files. It can be automatic (depending on certain conditions) or manual. It is excellent for SEO, to keep your WordPress tidy and to avoid issues related to files. The references to those filenames on your website will also be updated. It has many features, and if you are a developer you can automate the whole process and how the renaming is performed.

The Pro version adds more features for experts and more SEO optimization.
  • Transliteration. Advanced transliteration which has been built on thousands of different use cases.
  • Additional Auto Methods. Additional methods for auto-renaming your files. Based on the Post Attached Title (Product, for example), Anonimization, ALT text, etc.
  • Numbered files. If the ideal filename already exists, a number will be appended, and increased if needs to be.
  • SQL Logging. Every SQL requests performed by the Renamer will be logged, as well as the anti-requests (for rollback purposes).
  • Sync Meta. Some of your metadata can be synchronized with the title of the filename automatically.
6.0.2 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Media File Renamer Pro 6.0.2 NULLED

    = 6.0.2 (2024/12/06) = * Add: Support for new parsers. * Add: Parser for Elementor.
  2. Media File Renamer Pro 5.9.8 NULLED

    = 5.9.8 (2024/09/18) = * Update: Enhanced locking system. * Fix: Minor issues.
  3. Media File Renamer: Rename for better SEO (AI-Powered) (Pro) 5.9.4 NULLED

    = 5.9.4 (2024/08/01) = * Add: Better settings for AI. * Update: Sanitize Manual enabled by...

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