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Loginizer Premium – The best plugin to protect your WordPress website

Loginizer Premium – The best plugin to protect your WordPress website 1.9.8 NULLED


  • [Feature Pro] Now you can hide the wp-admin totally from non logged in users.
  • [Improvement Pro] Option to Disable Passwordless login for specific login page.
  • [Task] There was a Typo in X Social Login button which has been fixed and X buttons won’t have Formerly Twitter text.
  • [Bug Fix Pro] There was an issue with Passwordless login for WooCommerce login page, that has been fixed.


  • [Task] A notice has been tweaked to prevent confusion among users.


  • [Task] Removed wpCentral Promo from Loginizer.
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Reactions: edgars221289


  • [Task] A few typos in description of features have been fixed.
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Reactions: edgars221289


  • [Task] Tested with WordPress 6.7, fixed translation Notice.
  • [Bug-Fix] HOTP and Base32 caused conflict with some plugins that has been fixed.
= 1.9.3 =
* [Security] There was a security issue in the Pro version of the plugin which has been fixed, was reported by wesley (wcraft)[Wordfence]
* [Task] Improved Compatibility with Softaculous Plugin.
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Reactions: edgars221289


  • [Task] Improved license handling.
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Reactions: edgars221289


  • [Bug-Fix] Social Login was not working on WooCommerce or registration page, that has been fixed.
  • [Bug-Fix] A PHP warning has been fixed.


  • [Bug-Fix] For some users there was an issue in updating that has been fixed.