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The LiveCanvas Team

Bootstrap 5 WordPress Page Builder for Web Designers | Pure HTML and CSS WordPress builder​

Boost your design workflow using readymade HTML page templates and sections​

LiveCanvas comes with a beautiful collection of Bootstrap 5 HTML snippets, free to use on your awesome website projects: solid, fully responsive, battle-tested on a number of different devices.

An Advanced code editor in your hands​

If you generally hate page builders, check out LiveCanvas: the only page builder which outputs super clean, Bootstrap 5 - compliant HTML5 code, which you can refine via a built-in live code editor.

Technologies you can trust​

LiveCanvas allows you to use standard Web languages like HTML & CSS in your designs, with no vendor lock-in, helping you to become a better web designer - not a "plugin piler"

Use standard blocks or build your own​

LiveCanvas helps you build great web pages visually combining HTML snippets, that we call "blocks". It allows you to get started immediately using readymade blocks, or building your custom ones. No limit to your creativity!
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Latest updates

  1. LiveCanvas 4.1.1

    4.1.1 24 Dec, 2024 Fix Upon Exiting the editor, now previous URL is restored LC Forms API fix...
  2. LiveCanvas 4.1.0

    4.1.0 03 Dec, 2024 Update to latest Tangible Templating library Product Activation refactor to...
  3. LiveCanvas 4.0.0

    We are happy to announce the release of LiveCanvas Version 4, a revolutionary upgrade bringing...