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Litho - Multipurpose Elementor WordPress Theme

Litho - Multipurpose Elementor WordPress Theme 2.9 NULLED

ver. 2.9 (21.01.2025)
NOTE: We have updated Litho Addons and Slider Revolution plugins in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove those plugins and then again install them to have latest plugins version.

- Added compatibility for Elementor version of 3.27.0
- Added compatibility for latest WooCommerce version of 9.6.0
- Upgraded Slider Revolution plugin to latest of 6.7.25 version and tested for theme compatibility
- Upgraded all WC template files as per WC 9.6.0
- Added Font Awesome latest version 6.7.2 library and icons
- Upgraded Bootstrap library to v5.3.3
- Added theme compatibility for PHP version 8.2.x
- Fixed item gap issue in the Image Gallery Widget
- Updated Google fonts JSON file
- Updated POT files for languages
ver. 2.8 (28.11.2024)
NOTE: We have updated Litho Addons and Slider Revolution plugins in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove those plugins and then again install them to have latest plugins version.

- Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 6.7.1
- Added compatibility for Elementor version of 3.25.10
- Added compatibility for latest WooCommerce version of 9.4.2
- Upgraded Slider Revolution plugin to latest of 6.7.23 version and tested for theme compatibility
- Upgraded all WC template files as per WC 9.4.2
- Added Font Awesome latest version 6.7.1 library and icons
- Added missing non-descriptive anchor text and image alternative text
- Added new feature to preload CSS, JavaScript and font resources in site (Customizer > General Theme Options > Disable Styles & Scripts > Preload Resources)
- Added support to exclude custom post type from search result page
- Updated Google fonts JSON file
- Updated POT files for languages
ver. 2.7 (03.10.2024)
NOTE: We have updated Litho Addons and Slider Revolution plugins in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove those plugins and then again install them to have latest plugins version.
- Added compatibility for Elementor version of 3.24.5
- Added compatibility for latest WooCommerce version of 9.3.3
- Upgraded Slider Revolution plugin to latest of 6.7.20 version and tested for theme compatibility
- Fixed parallax does not work in liquid image widget
- Fixed fullscreen does not work in the swiper slider
- Fixed posts do not display in blog and portfolio widgets
- Fixed icon is missing in the list widget
- Upgraded all WC template files as per WC 9.3.3
- Updated Google fonts JSON file
- Updated POT files for languages
  • Like
Reactions: ViktorGugo
ver. 2.5 (30.08.2024)
NOTE: We have updated Litho Addons and Slider Revolution plugins in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove those plugins and then again install them to have latest plugins version.
- Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 6.6.1
- Added compatibility for Elementor version of 3.23.4
- Added compatibility for latest WooCommerce version of 9.2.3
- Upgraded Slider Revolution plugin to latest of 6.7.18 version and tested for theme compatibility
- Added feature to show tags on blog listing page and archive page
- Added Font Awesome latest version 6.6.0 library
- Updated Google fonts JSON file
- Updated POT files for languages
- Fixed meta option not showing after select post format in post and portfolio

2.1 - December 08, 2023​

NOTE: We have updated Litho Addons and Slider Revolution plugins in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove those plugins and then again install them to have latest plugins version.
  • ADDED Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 6.4.2
  • ADDED Added compatibility for Elementor version of 3.18.1
  • ADDED Upgraded Slider Revolution plugin to latest of 6.6.19 version and tested for theme compatibility
  • ADDED Added Google fonts JSON
  • ADDED Upgraded language POT files
  • ADDED Switched off Elementor flexbox container by default as that is not compatible with Litho at the moment but we will add this compatibility in the future updates
  • ADDED Fixed some other minor css & jQuery issues
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
ver. 1.7 (21.06.2023)
NOTE: We have updated Litho Addons and Slider Revolution plugins in this theme upgrade. So please deactivate and remove those plugins and then again install them to have latest plugins version.

- Added compatibility for latest WordPress version of 6.2.2
- Added compatibility for Elementor version of 3.14.0
- Added compatibility for latest WooCommerce version of 7.8.0
- Upgraded Bootstrap library to v5.3.0
- Upgraded Swiper library to v8.4.7
- Upgraded Slider Revolution plugin to latest of 6.6.14 version and tested for theme compatibility
- Fixed Litho template library loading issue with latest elementor
- Disable crawling and indexing for empty mega menu items for SEO
- Added Google fonts JSON
- Upgraded language POT files
- Fixed some other minor css & jQuery issues