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*IMPORTANT: Update is required for both the theme AND the theme plugin (Appearance > Install Plugins > Lafka Plugin)
- Update: Added compatibility to WooCommerce HPOS (High Performance Order Storage)
- Update: Bundled plugins new versions
- Tweak: Minor CSS and JS performance improvements
v. 4.3.8 – 21.02.2023
*IMPORTANT: Update is required for both the theme AND the theme plugin (Appearance > Install Plugins > Lafka Plugin)
- Tweak: Loading the Google Maps JavaScript API without a callback is not supported
- Fix: Fix lafka shipping method shipping classes
- Update: WooCommerce 7.4.0 compatibility
- Update: Revolution Slider 6.6.10
- Tweak: Various CSS and JS performance improvements
*IMPORTANT: Update is required for both the theme AND the theme plugin (Appearance > Install Plugins > Lafka Plugin)
New: Now you can use "places" instead of adminiostrative address for the google address autocomplete (e.g. building name)
Fix: Edit woocommerce subscription plan creates duplicate plan
Fix: Location pinpoint selection on the map is not stored in the order when pickup/delivery time is disabled
Fix: WC 7.2 outdated templates
Fix: Related products when products per branch is enabled
Fix: Delivery/Pickup Timeslot mixed up when multiple working periods in a day and periods don't match exactly the working time